It is not compatible with the
egalitarian ideal that there should be sharp differences in the scale of
monetary reward fro services performed. In New Zealand, care of the underdog has
long since been a more important consideration than is the case in very many
other countries. Successive governments may claim with some justice to have
abolished poverty, but this has not been done without there taking place a
narrowing of margins between the rewards for skilled and unskilled labor, with
its consequent denial of incentive to acquire skill, to strive for
self-improvement. The country’s citizens have come to regard social security as
their inalienable right, but by taking too readily for granted the State’s
obligation towards themselves they re apt to lose sight of the converse
proposition that they themselves A. Ostentation B. Eccentricity C. Individuality D. Conformity [单选题]下列哪个算法/库不能实现闭环检测()。
A.DBOW B.FAB-MAP C.SeqSLAM D.g2o [单选题]昏迷病人用热水袋时要求水温不超过50℃的原因为
A.机体对热敏感度增加 B.局部感觉迟钝 C.皮肤抵抗力下降 D.血管对热反应过敏 E.可加深病人昏迷程度 [多项选择]操作员每日、()本人或()每旬检查、核对贸易通-纸质商业汇票系统的账务,确保分户余额、纸质商业汇票卡片等核对一致。
A. 柜员 B. 操作主管 C. 运营主管 D. 指定专人 [单项选择]目前,最常用的办公软件是( )。
A. MS Word B. WPS Office C. 永中 Office D. Corel [单项选择]老年皮质性白内障出现虹膜震颤、前房加深,为哪一期
A. 初发期 B. 未熟期 C. 成熟期 D. 过熟期 [单选题]为加强储蓄国债(凭证式)业务管理,规范储蓄国债(凭证式)业务发展,中国人民银行与财政部日前联合发布《储蓄国债(凭证式)管理办法》,将于 2021 年 3 月 1 日起施行。据了解,储蓄国债(凭证式)是中国储蓄国债的首个品种,最早可追溯到( )中国恢复国债发行以来所发行的国库券。
A.1980 年 B.1981 年 C.1982 年 D.1983 年 [判断题]CRH1型动车组当蓄电池电压低于84V时,将不能通过主控钥匙激活动车组。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当机车轮对发生空转时,通过空转继电器线圈内的电流达0.1A时,线圈吸合,空转信号灯亮。
[单项选择]髓腔解剖特点对牙髓炎的意义中哪一点是错误的( )
A. 牙髓炎时由于根尖孔狭小不易引起根尖炎 B. 由于牙髓组织松软,感染容易扩散到全牙髓 C. 牙髓炎时血管扩张,渗出液聚集,压迫神经产生剧烈疼痛 D. 牙髓炎时开髓减压可以缓解剧痛 E. 为了顺利而成功地进行牙髓炎治疗,必须熟悉每个牙的髓腔形态 我来回答: 提交