Fishing adds only about one percent to
the global economy, but on a regional basis it can con- tribute extremely to
human survival. Marine fisheries contribute more to the world’s supply of
protein than beef, poultry or any other animal source. Fishing typically does not need land ownership, and because it remains, generally, open to all, it is often the employer of last resort in the developing world—an occupation when there are no other choices. Worldwide, about 200 million people rely on fishing for their livelihoods. Within Southeast Asia alone, over five million people fish full-time. In northern Chile forty percent of the population lives off the ocean. In Newfoundland most employment came from fishing or servicing that industry—until the collapse of the cod fisheries in the early 1990s that left tens of thousands of pe A. beef B. fish C. pork D. chicken [判断题]电缆分支箱处应安装一根接地线,以长2m直径为50mm的钢管埋人地下,作为接地极。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列哪一项不属于简易程序的特点?()
A.人民法院适用简易程序审理案件,应当在立案之日起三个月内审结 B.简单的民事案件由审判员一人独任审理 C.共同诉讼中一方或者双方当事人人数众多的不得适用简易程序审理 D.小额诉讼程序的规定 [单项选择]()是动力转向方向发飘或跑偏的原因。
A. 油泵磨损 B. 缺液压油或滤油器堵塞 C. 油路中有气泡 D. 分配阀反作用弹簧过软或损坏 [单选题]我国能源发展的战略()。(1分)
A.A.节约与开发并举,将节约放在首位 B.B.开发为主,节约为辅 C.C.优化开发与重点开发并举,将优化开发放在首位 D.D.节约与开发并举,将开发放在首位 [单选题]2.752.第752题
供电质量包括供电频率质量、电压质量和供电可靠性三方面。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]实际贷款期限等于()。
A. 贷款宽限期 B. 名义贷款期限 C. 贷款偿还期 D. 以上都不对 [单项选择]“阴凉处”系指( )
A. 用不透光的容器包装 B. 将容器密闭,以防止灰尘及异物进入 C. 避光并不超过20℃ D. 不超过20℃ E. 将容器密封以防止风化、吸潮、挥发或异物进入 [名词解释]表压力。
A. 脑膜炎反应轻 B. 神经系统发育不够完善 C. 机体反应差 D. 颈下肌肉发达 E. 前囟及颅缝未闭,可起缓冲作用 [单项选择]进出口货物完税后,如发现少征或漏征税款,海关应当自缴纳税款或放行之日起( )内,向收发货人或他们的代理人补征。因收发货人或其代理人违反规定而造成少征或漏征的,海关在( )内可以追征。
A. 三年,三年 B. 一年,三年 C. 三年,一年 D. 一年,一年 [多项选择]已有防雷装置,拒绝进行检测或者经检测不合格又拒不整改的,可以处()。
A. 警告 B. 1万元以上3万元以下罚款 C. 给他人造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任 D. 构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任 [简答题]平均工作周数
4 Kinds of Texts Enhancing Intelligence Ⅰ. Introduction A. Reading for information, hoping to —improve our minds with the information acquired —provide us with the ways to improve our lives B. Reading prodigiously & reading (1) : two different things (1)______ to read books that help improve our chances of a happy living Ⅱ. The first choice: texts concerning (2) (2)______ A. Including not only scientific texts, but also the texts that enhance our appreciation of the natural world B. The value of these texts: —the development of (3) (3)______ —the (4) . of learning (4)______ —how to investigate our intuition and (5) it with evidence [报关编码]电暖毯
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