America’s Federal Reserve cut interest
rates by another quarter-point, to 3.75%. Wall Street, which had been
(1) for a sixth half-point cut, was disappointed. The Dow fell
by 2% (2) the week. The past week’s economic statistics gave
mixed signals. Exports dropped by 2% in both March and April, largely
(3) a decline in high-tech investment (4) ;
the merchandise-trade (5) widened to $458 billion in the 12
months (6) April. (7) , the Conference
Board’s index of consumer confidence was higher than (8) in
June. Concerns (9) inflation in the euro area (10) . Preliminary data (11) that German consumer- price inflation fell to 3.1% in the year to June, from 3.5% in May; wage growth (12) to 1.4% in April, a real pay cut of 1.5%. Some economists fear that Germany is on A. showed B. demonstrated C. illustrated D. explained [判断题]只要引入正反馈,电路就会产生正弦波振荡。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《安徽农村商业银行系统流动资金贷款管理办法》规定,流动资金贷款期限最长不超过五年。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当变压器三相负载不对称时,将出现负序电流。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]编组站的直通车场主要用语接入( )列车。
A.到达解体 B.自编始发 C.无调中转 D.成组甩挂 [单选题]每日作业结束后,作业班组负责人向施工项目部报告( )。
A.人员管控情况 B.风险落实情况 C.作业过程 D.安全管理情况 [单项选择]血氨增高主要用于诊断:()
A. 休克 B. 上消化道出血 C. 尿毒症 D. 肝性脑病 E. 重症肝炎 [单项选择]企业服务质量信誉考核加分项目没有下列哪种情况?()
A. 获得政府和部门表彰 B. 企业营运收入 C. 新能源出租汽车使用 D. 管理制度齐全 [单选题]星形连接时三相电源的公共点叫三相电源的( )。
A.中性点 B.参考点 C.零电位点 D.接地点 [单项选择]用沉淀法进行脱氧,应先加入()进行脱氧。
A. 锰铁 B. 硅钙 C. 铝 D. 电石 [单项选择]如果容器底水的高度不超过()时,水高测量应用检水尺.
A. 500mm B. 300mm C. 300cm D. 500cm [单选题]胃溃疡引起的功能性改变不包括
A.痉挛性改变 B.激惹征 C.胃蠕动减弱 D.胃蠕动增强 E.分泌增加 [单选题]如发现卷筒有裂纹,应()。
A.更换 B.维修 C.根据情况维修 D.焊补 [名词解释]有意识注意
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