Since life began eons ago, thousands of creatures have come and gone. Some, such as the dinosaurs, became extinct due to naturally changing ecologic conditions. More recent threats to life forms are humans and their activities. Man has drained marshes, burned prairies, dammed and diverted rivers. Some of the more recent casualties of man’s expansion have been the dodo, great auk, passenger pigeon, Irish elk, and Steller’s sea cow. Sadly, we can no longer attribute the increasing decline in our wild animals and plant species to "natural" processes. Many species are dying out because of exploitation, habitat alteration or destruction, pollution, or the introduction of new species of plants and animals to an area. As mandated by Congress, protecting endangered species, and restoring them to the point where their existence is no longer jeopa A. Exploitation B. Pollution C. Habitat alteration D. Congressional law [单选题]地铁信号分为视觉信号和()。
A.旗信号 B.色灯信号机 C.听觉信号 D.信号灯 [判断题]放线、撤线工作中使用的跨越架,应使用坚固、无伤、相对较直的木杆、竹竿、金属管等,且应具有能够承受跨越物重量的能力,否则可双杆合并或单杆加密使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]涵洞按()分类可分为拱涵、管涵、箱涵。
A. 水力特性 B. 孔数 C. 结构形式 D. 洞身直径 [判断题]ZPW-2000A型无绝缘移频自动闭塞接收器输入电压器初级线圈有216匝。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]If a business wants to survive in the changing world, it should be______.
A. 昏迷 B. 口唇黏膜呈樱桃红色 C. 抽搐 D. 呼吸困难 E. 贫血 [简答题]表层追踪要点。
A. 小儿体质差不耐受手术 B. 手术易感染 C. 麻醉易出现意外 D. 有自愈可能性 E. 术后并发症多 [判断题]如果信用证要求提交‘InsurancePolicy’,则意味着出口商可以提交保险单或保险凭证。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用ls命令以长格式列目录信息时,若某一文件的特征在文件列表中按如下顺序显示在屏幕上:
A.读和执行 B.读或执行 C.写和执行 D.读和写 [单选题]A.两者均无
A.高热,全身症状明显 B.两者均有 C.呼吸道卡他症状明显 D.流行性感冒的主要特点是 [填空题]I/O通道一般分为三种类型,数组选择通道、______、______。
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