Did you examine your paper money
closely See if you can locate a $5, $10, or $20 bill printed before 1964 and
marked "Federal Reserve Note" over the portrait. In the upperleft portion above
the seal, a statement written in fine print says that the note is legal tender
(法定货币) and that "it is redeemable (可兑现的) in lawful money at the United States
Treasury (美国财政部), or at any Federal Reserve Bank (联邦储备银行)." Does this mean that
the bin is not lawful At the bottom center the same bill says, "Will pay to the
bearer on demand X dollars." Does this mean that your X-dollar bill is not X
dollars Much confusion exists about the real nature of money. Many people think that money has no value unless it is backed by gold or silver. They think that the Federal Reserve note is only a symbol for money, and that real money is the metal backing t A. the nature of money B. the face value of a bill C. the intrinsic value of money D. the lawfulness of money [判断题]判断题 事故调查组人数通常为,一般事故人、较大事故5人、重大事故7人、特大事故9人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者发生心跳骤停,急救时医生口头医嘱心内注射“三联针”,护士应立即抽取的药物是
A.盐酸肾上腺素、异丙基肾上腺素、阿托品 B.阿拉明、多巴胺、去甲肾上腺素 C.利他林、盐酸肾上腺素、阿托品 D.盐酸肾上腺素、利多卡因、阿托品 E.阿拉明、异丙基肾上腺素、阿托品 [判断题]20CP响应手柄的不同位置,使制动缸产生作用压力为0―350KPa。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )被誉为“近代学校体育之父”。
A.洛克 B.夸美纽斯 C.斯宾塞 D.卢梭 [多项选择]三仁汤的辨证要点是
A. 头痛恶寒 B. 身重疼痛 C. 午后身热 D. 苔白不渴 [多项选择]甲将其所有的房屋出租给乙,双方口头约定租金为每年5万元,乙可以一直承租该房屋,直至乙去世。房屋出租后的第二年,乙为了经营酒店,经甲同意,对该房屋进行了装修,共花费6万元。一天晚上,一失控的汽车撞到该房屋,致使其临街的玻璃墙毁损,肇事司机驾车逃逸,乙要求甲维修,甲拒绝,乙便自行花费1万元予以维修。现甲乙发生纠纷,均欲解除合同,但就如何解除意见不一。
若本案中双方未约定租赁期限,甲乙双方又无法就租赁期限协议补充,下列关于合同解除的何种说法是正确的?( ) A. 甲无权随时解除合同 B. 甲可以随时解除租赁合同,但应在合理期限之前通知乙 C. 乙可以随时解除租赁合同 D. 若合同解除,乙仍应支付解除之前实际租赁期限的租金 [单选题]酒店铂金卡会员/执手如用几木值进行保级,每年需要()几木值
A.16800 B.11200 C.26800 D.10000 [单项选择]女患者,40岁,月经先期量多,末次月经干净一周后,阴道突然大量下血,已持续5天,出血不减,色深红,质稠,口渴烦热,大便干,小便黄,舌红,苔黄,脉洪数。治疗最佳方剂是:
A. 清热固经汤 B. 清经散 C. 清肝引经汤 D. 固本止崩汤 E. 保阴煎 [填空题]应用球面等值换算法,可将配镜处方由-3.25Ds/-4.00Dc×90,改为( )Ds/-2.50Dc×90。
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