Walt Disney started his animation
career in Kansas City, Missouri, producing films that were a combination of
cartoon and live action and starring a curious little girl named Alice. Hoping
for greater success, he moved to Los Angeles in 1923, joining his brother, Roy.
Once the creative possibilities with the Alice series were exhausted, Disney
started producing films for a new animated character, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit,
in 1927. Mickey Mouse was conceived the next year during a cross-country train ride, according to the "official" company history. Walt Disney had just been forced to give up the Oswald rights to his cruel New York distributor, who had exercised copyright control over the character. On the ride back home to Los Angeles, Disney made up a little mouse named Mortimer. His wife, Lillian, thought the name too pompous(华而不实的) and sugge A. to create a cartoon character called Alice B. to produce the role of Mickey C. to resist giving up the character’s fights to others D. to make greater career success [名词解释]壮苗
[单选题]驼峰色灯辅助信号机,可兼作出站或( )并根据需要装设进路表示器。
A. 进站 B. 发车进路 C.通过 [单选题]刘畅今年15岁,在老家和同学吵架时,掏出随身携带的匕首将同学捅成重伤。事后,刘畅怕被抓获,就来到北京的阿姨家“避风”。姨父看其神色不对,就问他发生了什么事。经过教育,刘畅告诉了姨父捅伤同学的事情,并答应第二天早上和姨父一起去自首。晚上,姨父怕刘畅第二天反悔,就主动通知了公安人员。公安人员到达时,刘畅正在床上睡觉,他没有反抗。则下列说法正确的是
A.刘畅构成自首 B.刘畅不构成自首 C.刘畅不满16周岁,不需要负刑事责任 D.如果处罚刘畅,因其不满16周岁,可以从轻或减轻处罚 [判断题]动车组非专职售货人员可以从事商品销售等经营活动。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]轴流式通风机工作原理是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]AB009天然气的含水量对天然气的低热值没有直接影响。
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