Communication is the sending of
information or news from one person to another. If human beings could not
communicate with one another, each person would have to learn everything for
himself. Although animals as well as men can communicate, so far as we know,
they can express only the simple emotions like pain, joy, fear, hunger, anger
and love. Some animals have a more advanced form of language using sounds, and
others use a wide range of sounds and face movements, but we still have much to
learn about these animal languages. Speech is the most important means of communication between people. But it is not the only one. Nor is it the oldest. We use facial expressions, gestures and hand movements to express our feelings and to send signals to other people. Animals use this "body language" a great deal. The sign language used by de A. We should learn everything for ourselves. B. We would become unable to speak. C. We couldn’t live happily. D. We might have to do everything by ourselves. [单选题]依据《混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范》GB50204-2015,6.3.3,钢绞线挤压锚具挤压完成后,预应力筋外端露出挤压套筒的长度不应小于( )。
A.1mm。 B.2mm。 C.5mm。 D.10mm。 [单选题]3,23, 61, 117,( )。
A.133 B.191 C.211 D.237 [判断题] AB01 环型拓扑受故障影响的设备范围大,在单环系统上出现的任何错误,都会影响网上的所有设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]筒出现裂纹时,应焊补并用砂轮磨光后后方可使用。
[单选题]在没有脚手架或者在没有栏杆的脚手架上工作,高度超过( )m时,应使用安全带,或采取其他可靠的安全措施。
A.A.0.5 B.B.1 C.C.1.5 D.D.2 [简答题]什么叫生铁?什么叫钢?两者有何特点和区别。
[单项选择]公元前5世纪的一天,全体雅典公民集会于卫城。人们对泰米斯托克利言论纷纷,说这位民主派领袖、反波斯英雄正变得专横跋扈,并将他的名字划在碎陶片或贝壳上,最终他得票过半而遭放逐海外。由此可见,古代雅典民主是( )
A. 直接民主 B. 民主派专有的民主 C. 代议制民主 D. 大多数居民的民主 [多项选择]学习心理学比较有代表性的流派有______。
A. 行为主义学习心理学 B. 认知主义学习心理学 C. 人本主义学习心理学 D. 精神分析学习心理学 [判断题]测验在实际中主要应用于选材、安置、诊断、评价、咨询等方面。
A.琥珀色实线 B.琥珀色虚线 C.无显示 [单选题]人民币通知存款,最低支取金额个人客户为( ),单位客户为( )。
A.5万元(含),10万元(含) B.5万元(含),50万元(含) C.1万元(含),10万元(含) D.1万元(含),50万元(含) [单项选择]阈剂量是指()。
A. 引起等效反应的相对剂量 B. 刚引起药理效应的剂量 C. 引起50%最大效应的剂量 D. 药物引起的最大效应 我来回答: 提交