In my newspaper column some months ago,
I reprinted a short essay on youth by Samuel Ullman, an author unknown to me.
Then I got a call from Ullman’s great-grandson, Richard Ullman Rosenfield, a
psychologist. He told me that he had been intrigued with the "spiritual journey"
of the essay, especially in Japan. Gen. Douglas MacArthur, I learned, often quoted Ullman’s "Youth" essay and kept a framed copy over his desk throughout the Pacific campaign. It’s believed that the Japanese picked up the work from his Tokyo headquarters. Unlikely as it may sound, this essay, written more than 70 years ago, is the underpinning of much Japanese productivity and the basis of many businessmen’s life philosophies. Many carry creased copies in their wallets. "Anyone worth his salt in Japanese business knows and uses this essay," sa A. America. B. Japan. C. Germany. D. Britain. [单选题](48160)跨区间和全区间无缝线路的两相邻单元轨条的同一区间内单元轨条的最低、最高锁定轨温相差超
过( )。(1.0分) A.5℃ B.10℃ C.15℃ D.20℃ [单选题]发现闲杂人员后需上道处置时应立即向车站值班员(车务应急值守人员)申请,在得到车站值班员(车务应急值守人员)已扣停()的通知后,方可上道进行处置。
A.本线列车 B.后续列车 C.本线及邻线列车 D.邻线列车 [多项选择]阅读能力的构成包括()。
A. 认读能力 B. 理解能力 C. 评价能力 D. 翻译能力 E. 阅读技巧的运用能力 [单项选择]
Here I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher [单项选择]真核生物RNA聚合酶的特异性抑制剂()
A. 利福平 B. 氯霉素 C. 鹅膏蕈碱 D. 氨苄西林 E. 四环素 [单选题]在风力()级及以上、雨雪天,焊接或切割应采取防风、防雨雪的措施。
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7 [判断题]摩擦痕迹主要运用于鉴别生产运输等设备故障引起的火灾。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]抽提塔界面过低或发生长时间的混相而未能及时调整,造成未溶的芳烃带入汽提塔,导致( )。
A.回流比 B.液收率 C.汽提塔发泡 D.回收率 [单选题]下列关于溢流阀的说法有误的是( )。
A.高压保护 B.过载保护 C.定压溢流 D.节流调速 [单项选择]一般涂层厚度为()µm
A. 80~100 B. 100~150 C. 150~200 D. 200~250 [单项选择]X线管支架立柱空腔内有()
A. 滑架 B. 横杆 C. 夹环 D. 平衡砣 E. X线管组件 [单选题]高速铁路前端采集设备按照“谁使用、谁管理、谁维护”的原则,由( )负责维护。
A.主要使用部门 B.通信段 C.车务段 D.车站 我来回答: 提交