One phase of the business cycle is the
expansion phase. This phase is a two-fold one, including recovery and
prosperity. During the recovery period there is ever-growing expansion of
existing facilities, and new facilities for production are created. More
businesses are created and older ones expanded. Improvements of various kinds
are made. There is an ever increasing optimism about the future of economic
growth. Much capital is invested in machinery or "heavy" industry. More labor is
employed. More raw materials are require A. Toys B. Machine tools C. Foodstuffs D. Cosmetics [单选题]施工技术人员必须在施工( )编制施工技术交底文件。
A.前 B.后 C.同时 D.均可 [填空题]{{B}} Classification of Lodging Places{{/B}}
The tourist industry has its own system to classify different types of lodging places.
Five categories of lodging places:
{{U}} 1 {{/U}} 1. ______.
They usually are multi-storied lodging facilities with twenty rooms to hundreds of rooms.
They usually are found in {{U}} 2 {{/U}}. 2. ______.
They offer porter service, room service, and parking service.
{{B}}Motor Inns{{/B}}
They usually are two to six-story holdings.
They usually have a restaurant or a bar, and some provide luggage and room service.
They usually are found near {{U}} 3 {{/U}} and the interstate highway system. 3. ______.
They usually are small {{U}} 4 {{/U}}. 4. ______.
They usually are found
[填空题] 减温器一般分为( )和( )。
[单项选择]Who was the "father of English poetry"
A. Francis Bacon. B. John Milton. C. Robert Burns. D. Geoffrey Chaucer. [单选题]下述哪项最符合急性肾衰竭的概念 ( )
A.肾脏内分泌功能急剧障碍 B.肾脏泌尿功能急剧障碍 C.肾脏排泄废物能力急剧降低 D.肾脏排酸保碱能力急剧降低 E.肾脏浓缩稀释功能降低 [单选题](49691)QTJS160型轨道起重机配重,采用( )配重。
A.固定 B.活动 C.自动 D.液压 [单项选择]
After the terrorist attacks in America last September, terrorist risk became the pariah of perils. The airline industry was most directly affected by the attacks, and it was the first to find that no one wanted to insure terrorist risk. Insurance companies immediately increased premiums and cut cover for airlines’ third-party terror and war liabilities to $ 50m per airline, per "event". Under pressure from airlines, the American government and the members of the European Union agreed to become insurers of last resort for airlines’ war and terrorist liabilities, for a limited period. These government guarantees are due to expire at the end of the month. [单项选择]图文电视广播系统在我国简称()。
A. Teletext B. 文字放送 C. Antiope D. CCST制 [单项选择]患者男,68岁。因“活动后胃灼热感10年,休息后可缓解,常反复发作”来诊。本例最可能的诊断是()
A. 感染性心内膜炎,心力衰竭 B. 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病,心绞痛 C. 扩张型心肌病 D. 胃溃疡 E. 慢性支气管炎 [单项选择]为了估计当前人们对管理基本知识掌握的水平,《管理者》杂志为读者开展了一次管理知识有奖答卷活动。答卷评分后发现,60%的参加者对于管理基本知识掌握的水平很高,30%左右的参加者也表现出了一定的水平。《管理者》杂志因此得出结论,目前社会群众对于管理基本知识的掌握还是不错的。
以下哪项,如果为真,最能削弱以上结论 A. 管理基本知识的范围很广,仅凭一次答卷就得出结论未免过于草率。 B. 管理基本知识的掌握与管理水平的真正提高之间还有相当的距离。 C. 并非所有的《管理者》的读者都参加了此次答卷活动。 D. 从定价、发行渠道等方面看,《管理者》的读者主要集中在高学历知识阶层。 [判断题]转辙机控制电路中道岔反位操作继电器为RWZR
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在施工地段,非施工机动车( )。
A.不得停车 B.可以随意停车 C.可以长时间停车 D.可以停车 [多选题]球罐泄漏性试验不包括( )。
A.气密性试验 B.氨检漏试验 C.煤油检漏试验 D.氦检漏试验 E.液压试验 [单项选择]某医生整理资料时有以下指标:年龄、身高、体重、胸围等,上述指标属于()
A. 定量指标 B. 半定量指标 C. 分类指标 D. 定性指标 E. 等级指标 [不定项选择题]A.上午
A.下午 B.中午 C.前半夜 D.后半夜 E.属于阴中之阳的时间是( ) [单项选择]It was difficult to guess what her ______ to the news would be.
A. opinion B. reaction C. comment D. impression [单项选择]鼻咽癌根治性放射治疗后最严重的后遗症是( )
A. 皮肤色素沉着 B. 口干 C. 听力减退 D. 后组颅神经损伤 E. 涕多 [判断题]对于警卫的要求和警告,可以不去理会。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]风险偏好应做到( ),清晰反映董事会对当期各类风险的认识判断和接受水平。
A.定量指标为主,参考定性描述 B.定量指标与定性描述并重 C.定性描述为主,参考定量指标 [单选题] 概括起来讲,()就是法无明文规定不为罪,法无明文规定不受罚
A. 罪刑法定原则 B. 罪刑相适应原则 C. 罪责自负原则 D. 法律面前人人平等原则 [单选题] 005836(单选题).主减速器:将动力传给差速器,并实现降速增矩、改变()。
A.传动方向 B.速度 C.加速度 D.动力 [单选题]制氧工艺中常用的方法是( )。
A.加温法 B.离心法 C.深度冷冻法 我来回答: 提交