Computer programmer David earns $40,000
a year designing new computer games, yet he cannot find a bank to let him have a
credit card. Instead, he has been told to wait another two years until he is 18.
The 16-year-old works for a-small firm in Liverpool. David’s firm releases two
new games for the fast growing computer market each month. But David’s biggest headache is what to do with his money. Even though he earns a lot, he cannot drive a car, take out a mortgage(抵押货款), or get credit cards. "I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs." he said. David spends some of his money on records and clothes, and gives his mother 50 pounds a week. "Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school," he said, "but I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in my A. He is too young to get a credit card. B. He has no time to learn driving. C. He has very little spare time. D. He will soon lose his job. [多选题]调整游客不良情绪的方法主要是()
A.引人人胜法 B.触景生情法 C.分析法 D.补偿法 E.转移注意法 [单项选择]Have other people’s delightful Facebook updates ever made you feel like a total loser Or have you ever felt that your best friend’s life is perfectly easy and joyful, while yours is nothing but struggle and anxiety You’re not alone.
In a series of experiments, a new study--which was inspired by the Facebook envy experience— identified several interacting psychological factors that underlie the grass-is-greener phenomenon. First, 63 college freshmen were asked to report the positive and negative experiences they had had in the previous two weeks. Researchers found that 29% of students’ bad experiences occurred in private, compared with 15% of the good ones. And 40% of the time, people deliberately concealed negative feelings. That helps explain why other people always seem like they’re having so much fun--they tend to be happier in social settings, and they usually don’t dwell on feelings of loneliness or depression when they’re out in a group. In contrast, many of our ne A. One can share their feelings with others on Facebook. B. Many other people have the same experience. C. You friends will come to you when you feel lonely. D. Your feelings are just based on psychological factors. [判断题]同一现象在不同时间的相继观测值排列而成的序列称为时间序列数据。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题][判断]根据《民用航空安全检查手册》第 145 条,申报运输特种
航空货物的,还应当要求提供公共航空运输企业或者其地面服务代理 机构书面同意承运证明。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]防止列车断钩,进站停车施行空气制动要适当加长制动距离,初次减压量要小,做到( )。P121T506
A.“早减压、少减压” B. 晚减压、大减压 C.晚减压、少减压 [单项选择]僵直的畜禽肌肉组织的基本特点是( )。
A. 酸碱度呈中性 B. 保水性较差 C. 容易加热成熟 D. 肉质柔软芳香 [填空题]
When Toyota Motor Corp. moved one of its divisions into an
environmentally friendly, or "green", building in Torrance three years ago, it
expected to save on its energy bills. The building offered natural lighting,
electricity-generating rooftop solar panels and water recycling.
But something else also happened. Employee morale jumped while absenteeism(旷工) fell. The overall energy and worker productivity savings more than offset the added cost of making the facility environmentally friendly. "The lighting is easier on the eyes and on the nerves," Toyota employee Mary Jo Moutsios said. "I take a sense of pride in working in this building. It’s pleasant and feels more productive. " Results like Toyota’s are helping to spark a budding "green revolution" in American workplaces. The movement is starting to change how office buildings are designed and could render thousands of existing offices obsolete (陈旧的,荒废的). Employers including [单选题]在作业过程中若有电力线、用户灯线触碰断落在通信线条上或作业区域,应立即作何处理?
A.立即通知有关部门停电 B.停止作业 C.通知主管 D.继续操作 [多项选择]BOS业务的异常业务流程包括()。
A. 扫描录入 B. 业务冲销 C. 任务回退 D. 任务撤销 [单项选择]全世界第1株VRSA.是哪一年、在哪个国家发现的?()
A. 2001年英国 B. 2002年美国 C. 2003年日本 D. 2004年印度 [多项选择]深入实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略要做到( )。
A. 加快科学技术创新和跨越 B. 加大环境保护力度 C. 坚持教育优先发展 D. 加快推进人才强国战略 E. 加强服务业的发展水平 [判断题]( )630. 进入现场作业区必须戴安全帽。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我们说公钥加密比常规加密更先进,这是因为_______。
A. 公钥是建立在数学函数基础上的,而不是建立在位方式的操作上的 B. 公钥加密比常规加密更具有安全性 C. 公钥加密是一种通用机制,常规加密已经过时了 D. 公钥加密算法的额外开销少 [判断题]注册登记查验时,对残疾人专用汽车,应当查验操纵辅助装置加装合格证明及操纵辅助装置的产品型号和产品编号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
依据《中国石化高处作业安全管理规定》,高处作业人员安全带系挂点下方应有足够的净空,安全带应( )。 A.低挂低用 B.高挂高用 C.低挂高用 D.高挂低用 [单项选择]下面关于函证的方式的说法中,不正确的是()
A. 积极式函证要求被询证者在所有情况下都必须回函,消极式函证只要求被询证者仅在不同意询证函列示信息的情况下才予以回函 B. 积极式函证时没有收到回函,注册会计师应当实施替代审计程序 C. 在采用消极的函证方式时,未收到回函可能是因为被询证者已收到询证函且核对无误,也可能是因为被询证者根本就没有收到询证函 D. 当重大错报风险评估为低水平,涉及大量余额较小的账户,预期不存在大量的错误且没有理由相信被询证者不认真对待函证,注册会计师可考虑采用消极的函证方式 [单选题]整流的目的是( )
A.A.将正弦波变方波 B.B.将交流电变直流电 C.C.将高频信号变成低频信号 D.D.将非正弦信号变为正弦信号 [多项选择]金融市场上根据交易工具的期限,把金融市场分为货币市场和资本市场两大类。货币市场是融通短期资金的市场,下列属于货币市场的是( )。
A. 保险市场 B. 基金市场 C. 回购协议市场 D. 商业票据市场 [单选题]着力推动科技创新,要健全完善科技创新体系,集中力量建设( )“双创”示范基地,打造双创示范中心和线上线下平台,积聚协同创新合力。 B.国家 C.地区 D.省级 [单项选择]小高有着很严重的______心理,在这种消极心理的影响下,他一遇到工作和人际关系中的问题无法解决的时候就想逃避,而不从自身去寻找解决问题的突破口。小高没有认识到,不管在哪一家公司都会遇到同样的问题,这种______的态度是不可取的。
依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。 A. 自卑 自怨自艾 B. 畏缩 任劳任怨 C. 自大 自鸣得意 D. 退缩 怨天尤人 我来回答: 提交