Students should be allowed to study
without worrying about grades. Fortunately, most educators are becoming aware of
the fact that students have different interests and abilities. However, the
discipline resulting from grades still exists. Grades often cut down creativity.
Competing for better grades causes many students to turn down opportunities to
pursue music, dramatics and sports. Grades impose a subjective standard of
success on everyone. 1 do not demand as some extremists do, that grades be ended
immediately. However, ! do believe that less emphasis should be placed on
grades. I hope that someday grades will become optional at Village High
School. Magdalena Smith, President Drama Club Let’s face the facts about grades. Grades perform three basi A. They are not useful. B. They foster unnecessary competition. C. They should be optional. D. They are currently in use. [单项选择]依据税法规定,应计入应税所得额缴纳企业所得税的项目有()
A. 国债利息收入 B. 企业接受的捐赠收入 C. 依法收取并纳入财政管理的行政事业性收费 D. 政府对纳入预算管理的事业单位的财政拨款 [单项选择]子宫内膜癌的叙述错误的是( )
A. 子宫内膜腺瘤样增生过长属癌前病变 B. 不典型增生为癌前病变 C. 宫腔镜检查可协助诊断 D. 确诊需根据病检 E. 子宫内膜透明细胞癌恶性程度较高 [判断题]比较法一般只限于视觉比较。
A.企业代发工资专户开/销户 B.代发农民工工资 C.农民工代发工资账户维护(企业/个人) D.批量开立IC天府建设卡 E.企业保证金账户开/销户 F.企业代发工资专户/企业保证金账户退账 [不定项选择题]A.负压吸引术
A.钳刮术 B.依沙吖啶引产 C.药物流产 D.水囊引产 E.孕8周需终止妊娠宜用 [单项选择]肱三头肌的支配神经是()
A. C5 B. C6 C. C7 D. L2 E. L3 [判断题]浓密机溢流水质可通过上工序保证供水水质进行控制。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者,女,48岁。两目干涩,视物不清,面部烘热,脉弦细数。其证型是
A.肝胆湿证 B.肝阴虚证 C.肝火上炎证 D.肝阳上亢证 E.肝血虚证 [单项选择]法是一种特殊的社会规范,关于法的特征的表述有误的是( )。
A. 法是由特定的国家机关制定的 B. 法是依照特定程序制定的 C. 法具有国家强制性 D. 法是调整人们行为的社会规定 [多项选择]流通运行调控目标为()
A. 商品供给总量与需求总量平衡 B. 市场物价基本稳定 C. 促进市场发展,为生产和人民生活服务 D. 建立正常的市场流通秩序 [单选题]采掘工作面压风管路上设置的供气阀门间隔不大于( )。
A.100m B.200m C.300m [报关编码]化纤制其他男成人衬衫
[填空题]Lives were saved by the NASA robot, Dante.
A. 更换主板 B. 调整睡眠时间,关闭此功能 C. 重新升级固件C8 D. 以上都不对 [单项选择]患者女,30岁,高热、口腔溃疡、多关节酸痛、盘状红斑2个月,ANA、抗DNA抗体阳性。首选治疗方案是()
A. 免疫抑制剂 B. 非甾体类抗炎药 C. 对症治疗 D. 大剂量皮质激素 E. 免疫调节剂 F. 糖皮质激素+羟基氯喹 [简答题]The US congress is the legislative branch of the federal government. It a bicameral(两党制的) law-body of more than 500 members. Its two chambers are respectively called the House of Representatives and the Senate. The American two-house legislature, a product of the compromise between states and small ones, embodies the American principle of balances and checks. All bills must carry both before becoming laws.
Representatives vs. Senators The House of Representatives is the lower house of the bicameral Congress. The membership of the House is distributed among the states according to their different populations. Since 1910, the House has had a permanent membership of 435, with each Representative represent about half a million Americans. Under the principle that each state is guaranteed at least one representative Nevada, a state with a small population, sends only one Representative to the House. California has more than 40 Representative in the House becau [单项选择]血小板无力症,表现为下列哪种成分有缺陷()
A. GPⅡb/Ⅲa复合物 B. β-TG和PF4 C. 血小板第3因子(PF3) D. GPⅠb/Ⅸ-Ⅴ复合物 E. P-选择素 [单项选择]咨询工程师在把握了业主的( )后,应对各种投资机会进行鉴别和初选。
A. 投资想法 B. 投资心理 C. 投资目标 D. 投资范围 [判断题]夜间会车时,不要直视对面车辆灯光,应将视线()A.左移并减速B.右移并减速C.保持正常车速D.左移并加速
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当高处为15米至30米时,坠落半径为()
A. 3米 B. 4米 C. 5米 D. 6米 [单项选择]患者,女,20岁,因误服汽油而导致急性中毒。宜选用下列何种溶液洗胃
A. 高锰酸钾 B. 温开水 C. 液体石蜡油 D. 美蓝 E. 米汤 [判断题]( ) AB005 同一开发层系必须具有经济上合理的较稳定的生产能力,不宜过细以及满足采油工艺技术的要求;这也是划分开发层系原则之一。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]对于本课内容,除了名言导入,你还想到了哪些导入方式?
A. もって B. もとに C. めぐって D. かぎりに 我来回答: 提交