{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}} {{B}}Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.{{/B}} After the year 1958. a more modern Supreme Court agreed with Justice Helen. In a historic decision in 1954 it held that laws that forcing black students lo go to racially segregated schools violated the US Constitution because such schools could never be equal. The opinion of the Court was that "to separate (black school children) from others solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority--that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely over to be undone". The Supreme Court’s decision in 1954 led to changes which brought an end to the system of segregated public education in the southern state. However, problems in race relations continued to trouble the public schools, even though schools were legally desegregated throughout the c A. of the lowest social status and suffered from poverty in the late 1960s B. mostly living in slums where they were haunted by criminals in the late 1960s C. living a quiet and peaceful life in large cities in the late 1960s D. enjoying equality with the white people in the late 1960s [简答题]缴纳医疗保险2年了,一直没有使用。不知如何查询医保卡余额?可以拨打电话查询吗?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]按《湖南省住宅工程质量通病防治技术规程》(DBJ43/T306-2014)12.2.14,上人屋面水平管道离女儿墙的水平距离应大于(),小于该值时应采取防护措施。
A. 1m B. 2m C. 3m D. 4m [判断题]线路发生故障时当确知一端先来车时,应急速奔向列车,用手信号旗(灯)或徒手显示停车信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下哪类业务品种,C类企业不能准入的是( )。
A. 进口信用证开证 B. 离岸转手买卖贸易融资 C. 进口贸易融资 D. 出口出货前融资 [单项选择]塔机起升机构有()的特性,保证起吊时安全运行。
A. 轻载低速,重载高速 B. 轻载高速,重载低速 C. 轻载高速,重载匀速 D. 轻载匀速,重载低速 [判断题]起吊重物稍一离地(或支持物),应再检查悬吊及捆绑,认为可靠后方准继续起吊。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]柜员领用的重要空白凭证每天进行账、证核对,确保账实相符。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设备工程()管理阶段需要完成设备工程的总体方案设计。
A. 设计总进度 B. 设计准备工作 C. 初步设计进度 D. 技术设计进度 [单选题]以下不是机车、车辆的基本阻力的为( )。
A.坡道阻力 B.轴承的摩擦 C.车轮与钢轨间的滚动摩擦。 [简答题]已知某选厂原矿品位1.324%Ni,精矿品位β=6.180%Ni,尾矿品位0.228%Ni,求该厂的精矿产率与富矿比各是多少?
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