(77)In what now seems like the prehistoric times
of computer history, the early post-war era (战后时期) there was a quite
widespread concern that computers would take over the world from man one
day. Already today, less than forty years later, as computers are relieving
us of more and more of the routine tasks in business and in our personal lives,
we are facing with a less dramatic but also less foreseen problem. People tend
to be over-trusting(过分信任) of computers and are reluctant to challenge
their authority. Indeed, they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong
buttons may be pushed, or that a computer may simply malfunction( 失灵
). (78)Obviously, there would be no point in investing(投入) in a computer if you had to check all its answers, but people should also rely on their own internal computers and check the machine A. computer science courses in high schools B. businessmen and women who use pocket calculators C. maintenance(连续不断) checks on computers D. companies which depend entirely on computers [填空题]组合框和列表框的主要区别是:是否可以在框中 【9】 。
A.高血糖引起的渗透性利尿 B.饮水过多 C.体内产生水过多 D.水中毒 E.抗利尿激素减少 [单项选择]斜巷片口新开门时要停止过路提升,装载点进入()以上时恢复正常提升。
A. 10m B. 15m C. 5m [单项选择]久咳的辨证,首当区分
A. 痰色、痰量 B. 发病的新久 C. 有无表证 D. 病情的轻重 E. 寒热虚实 [简答题]A公司目前股价20元/股,预计公司未来可持续增长率为5%。公司拟通过平价发行附认股权证债券筹集资金,债券面值为每份1000元,期限20年,票面利率8%,同时每份债券附送20张认股权证,认股权证在10年后到期,在到期前每张认股权证可以按22元的价格购买1股普通股。假设等风险的普通债券市场利率10%。
[多选题]纪律严明体现在哪些方面( )
A.A、严格正规 B.B、 遵纪守法 C.C、 作风务实 D.D、 内外固结 [单项选择]主要使用国家开发银行贷款的投资项目,应将资本金存入( )。
A. 国家开发银行 B. 中国建设银行 C. 国家开发银行指定的银行 D. 小国人民银行 [判断题]安全帽使用时,应将下颏带系好,防止工作中前倾后仰或其他原因造成滑落。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]期后事项仅是指对会计报表有直接影响、并需要调整的事项。 ( )
A.A B.B 我来回答: 提交