该病最可能的主要死亡原因为() When Ben Franklin was only a boy, he
always wanted to know about other things. He was always asking his father and
brothers "What", "How" and "Why" They couldn’t always tell him what he wanted to know. When they couldn’t tell him, Ben tried to find out the answers by himself. Many times Ben did find out things that no one knew before. The other boys would say, "That’s Ben Franklin! He’s always finding out something new!" Ben lived close to the water. He liked to go there to see the boats. He saw how the wind blew them across the water. One day Ben said to himself, "Why can’t the wind help me float across the water And I’m going to fly." Ben got his big kite. He took hold of the kite’s string and ran with it. The wind took the kite up into the air. Then Ben jumped into the water. The wind blew the kite high into the air. Ben began to [单项选择]The shopping centre is very big. There are all kinds of things in it. Every day a lot of people, men and women, old and young, go there to buy things. It opens at 8:00 in the morning and closes at 11:00 in the evening.
This morning Tom is helping his mother buy things. He has a shopping list in his hand. They are looking for the things on the shopping list. After they stay in the shopping centre for about two hours, they get all the things that they need. Tom and his mother don’t get things done until the shopping centre closed at night. [A] True [B] False [单项选择]小儿肥胖症(单纯性)临床表现应为( )。
A. 脂肪积蓄呈向心性 B. 脂肪积蓄以腰部及下腹部为显著 C. 皮下脂肪增多,分布均匀 D. 脂肪积蓄以四肢为主 E. 脂肪积蓄以面部为主 [单选题]2.432. 10kV配电线路线损以( )为考核依据。
A.变电站出线总表;配电变压器二次侧计量总表 B.配电变压器一次侧计量总表;低压客户计费表 C.配电变压器一次侧计量总表;配电变压器二次侧计量总表 D.变电站总表;配电变压器一次侧计量总表 [多选题]矿山救护队的工作指导原则是[ ]。
A.加强战备 B.严格训练 C.主动预防 D.积极抢救 [判断题]消防控制室应在入口处应设置明显的标志,门可向任意方向开启。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于头期胃液分泌的叙述,正确的是
A.只有食物直接刺激口腔才能引起 B.酸度低、消化力弱 C.不包括条件反射 D.传出神经是迷走神经 [填空题]绒毛膜癌的诊断依据是:____、____、____、____、____、______及____。
A.链霉素? B.土霉素? C.红霉素? D.盐酸四环素? E.青霉素G? [单项选择]操作系统的基本特征中,一个是共享性,另一个是
A. 动态性 B. 并发性 C. 交互性 D. 制约性 [单选题]钢筋速断器主要有枪体、切割头、液压油箱、电动机、充电电池等组成,如图6-1-55所示,可剪断ф20毫米Q235的钢筋,使用12伏充电电池,充电时间6~8小时,刀头可旋转( ),五次连续切割应有6秒以上的停顿时间。
A.360度 B.180度 C.720度 D.120度 [单项选择]水体受到病原微生物污染最易引起()
A. 介水传染病 B. 急性中毒 C. 慢性中毒 D. 水质感官恶化 E. 公害病 [单项选择]腰痛点定位在
A. 手背,第2、第3掌骨间,指掌关节后约0.5寸 B. 手背,指总伸肌腱的两侧,腕横纹下1寸,一手两穴 C. 手背,指总伸肌腱的两侧,腕横纹下2寸,一手两穴 D. 第3腰椎棘突下,旁开3~4寸凹陷处 E. 第4腰椎棘突下,旁开3~4寸凹陷处 [简答题]02-22 06:18:47.038 17609 17609 I
[单项选择]声卡的组成很简单,它主要由一块主音频处理;芯片、一块音频混合芯片和一块放大器电路组成。波形声音输入计算机时,模拟信号的取样下量化是由( )完成的。
A. 音频混合芯片 B. 主音频处理芯片 C. 放大器 D. 其他附加电路 [单选题]根据《商业银行法》的规定,下列说法错误的是( )。
A.禁止利用拆入资金发放固定资产贷款 B.拆入资金用于弥补票据结算、联行汇差头寸的不足和解决临时性周转资金的需要 C.可以将拆入资金用于投资 D.拆出资金仅于交足存款准备金、留足备付金和归还中国人民银行到期贷款之后的闲置资金 [单项选择]
常用作片剂黏合剂的是(). A. PVA B. PEG C. CAP D. HPMC E. Eudragit E100 [单项选择]工程开工前的第一次工地会议纪要由( )起草,经与会各方代表签字确认。
A. 监理方 B. 施工方 C. 承包方 D. 项目业主 [单选题]以下关于AED使用中黏贴电极贴片时的描述,不正确的是( )
A.黏贴处的皮肤应裸露 B.黏贴电极片过程中应停止胸外心脏按压 C.保持黏贴处的皮肤干燥 D.电极需牢固地黏附在黏 贴处的皮肤上 [多选题]供电企业发现某居民生活用电户私自将2kW的家庭用电器设备接在220V低压公共线路上,接入时间无法查明。该户应补的电费和违约使用电费分别为()元。(已知居民生活电价为0.4元/千瓦时)
A.A.432元 B.B.864元 C.C.1296元 D.D.2592元 [单项选择]需要紧急手术的肠梗阻是
A. 粘连性肠梗阻 B. 蛔虫性肠梗阻 C. 肠套叠 D. 肠扭转 E. 肿瘤引起的肠梗阻 我来回答: 提交