WHO: Many
Children’s Deaths Preventable{{/B}} Over five million children die each year from disease, infections and accidents related{{U}} (1) {{/U}}their environment although many of these deaths are largely preventable, says the World Health Organization. On Monday, the WHO asked governments and citizens around the world to take action’ to create healthy{{U}} (2) {{/U}}for children as it celebrated world Health Day. "The biggest threats to children’s health lurk in the very{{U}} (3) {{/U}}that should be safest- home, school and community," said Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, director--general of the WHO at the day’s launch in New Delhi. India. "Every child has the right to{{U}} (4) {{/U}}up in a healthy home. school and commu A. reasons B. courses C. facts D. factors [不定项选择题]13岁女性,两年前起病,于生气后突然大叫一声,随之倒地呼之不应,牙关紧闭,双眼上视,头颈后仰,四肢抽搐,无二便失禁,无舌咬伤。发作停止后对整个过程不能回忆,未给予特殊处置,照常上学。2个月后于夜间入睡后又出现抽搐,有小便失禁。抽搐停止后,突然起床冲出门外,无目的漫游,呼之不应,冲动毁物,持续2小时后恢复清醒,对经过全无记忆,此后反复有类似发作,平均每月三次。该患者最可能的诊断是( )。
A.神经症 B.癔症 C.急性应激障碍 D.癫痫 E.脑肿瘤所致精神障碍 [判断题]城镇电力排灌站(泵站)动力用电,执行农业电价。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]换流阀阀塔内设备冒烟时,可以继续运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《南昌客运段列车长乘务工作写实制度》规定列车长值乘途中乘务工作写实内容有缺项的,按C类问题考核。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]大船使用的堵漏毯用钢丝绳或铁链作边纲,中部可辅以小号钢丝绳作经纬,用至少两层帆布作面缝制而成。
[单项选择]My parents’ house had an attic, the darkest and strangest part of the building, reach- able only by placing a stepladder beneath the trapdoor, and filled with unidentifiable articles too important to be thrown out with the trash but no longer suitable to have at hand. This mysterious space was the memory of the place. After many years all the things deposited in it became, one by one, lost to consciousness. But they were still there, we knew, safely and comfortably stored in the tissues of the house. These days most of us live in smaller, more modern houses or in apartments, and at- tics have vanished. Even the deep closets in which we used to pile things up for temporary forgetting are rarely designed into new homes. Everything now is out in the open, openly acknowledged and displayed, and whenever we grow tired of a memory, an old chair, a trunkful of old letters, they are cast into the dump for burning.
This has seemed a healthier way to live, except maybe for the smoke every A. admiration for the new lifestyle B. regret for the loss of the old lifestyle C. a contempt for the new lifestyle D. appreciation for both lifestyles [判断题]危险辨识工作应针对设备和环境。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]即可治疗麻疹不透,又可治疗气虚下陷的药物是()
A. 柴胡 B. 牛蒡子 C. 升麻 D. 蝉蜕 E. 薄荷 [单选题]生产经营单位委托其他机构进行安全培训的,保证安全培训的责任仍由()负责。
A.培训机构 B.培训讲师 C.本单位 D.培训主管部门 [单选题]急性阑尾炎穿孔局限性腹膜炎的手术治疗,哪项不妥 ( )
A.注意保护切口,防止切口感染 B.阑尾残端妥善处理 C.大量生理盐水冲洗腹腔 D.腹腔放置引流 E.缝合切口前用盐水洗手 [判断题]动车段(所)综合维修天窗应统筹考虑日常、周末和高峰图中列车开行、动车组晚上检修和设备检修维护等工作,根据实际需要合理设置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]致力于发展学生道德判断能力的德育模式是()。
A. 认知模式 B. 价值澄清模式 C. 社会学习模式 D. 体谅模式 [填空题]列车进站后, 应停于接车线___内方。在设有出站(进路)信号机的线路,列车头部不得越过出站(进 路)信号机。
A. 出现新的原癌基因产物 B. 病毒基因组LTR插入细胞原癌基因 C. 原癌基因内单个碱基的替换 D. 原癌基因拷贝数增加 E. 原癌基因移至强启动子附近 [多选题]公司根据运营线路什么情况?配备专门安保力量,明确安保力量人数。
A.客运流量 B.站点分布 C.设施分布 [判断题]家蚕是比较娇弱的经济昆虫,极易感染蚕病、轻则减产,重则粒茧无收,严重的影响蚕农增收。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不同的决策规则会导致不同的结果,能够达到“帕累托最优”的决策规则是()
A. 简单多数规则 B. 全体一致规则 C. 相对多少规则 D. 绝对多少规则 [单项选择]简单可靠的治疗是
A. 耳咽管吹张 B. 鼓膜穿刺抽水 C. 鼓膜修补术 D. 抗生素治疗 E. 体位引流 我来回答: 提交