There is a great deal of controversy within the
medical profession regarding the use and value of the coronary bypass procedure,
and for more than eight years the American Heart Association has discussed the
question at its regular scientific sessions. The bypass operation consists of open heart surgery in which the physician takes a vein from the patient’s leg and implants it near the heart to construct a passage around the blockage in a clogged artery so that blood can flow freely by. The operation performed on about 100,000 persons a year in the US and costs approximately $10,000. The procedure is designed to relieve tie pain of angina pectoris which occurs when the blood supply’s obstructed and also to allow the patient more freedom of sustained activity. In persons with advanced heart disease and blockage in severa A. by a skilled surgeon B. in a hospital with good facilities C. while the patient is not suffering from other serious illnesses D. when the patient is in very poor health condition [单选题]如果一种企业文化没有被企业中全体或大多数员工所接受,那么这种企业文化就不符合企业文化优劣形式标准中的
( )。
A.经营管理 B.科学管理 C.文化管理 D.行为管理 [判断题]被收缴人对被收缴货币的真伪有异议的,可以自收缴之日起3个工作日内,持《假币收缴凭证》直接或者通过收缴单位向当地鉴定单位提出书面鉴定申请。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]早期胃癌最多见的类型是:
A.隆起型 B.表浅型 C.表浅凹陷型 D.表浅平坦型 E.凹陷型 [单项选择]中心商务高度等于()之比。
A. 中心商务区建筑面积总和与总建筑基底面积 B. 中心商务用地建筑面积总和与总建筑面积 C. 中心商务用地建筑面积总和与总建筑基底面积 D. 中心商务区建筑面积总和与总建筑面积 [判断题]直流1500V馈线开关本体所配置的主保护为框架保护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,不断提高人民生活水平,必须坚定不移把( )作为党执政兴国的第一要务。
A.创新 B.改革 C.发展 D.开放 [单项选择]对在轿厢运行中,对频率不一定高,但振幅较大的垂直方向振动称之为()。
A. 抖动 B. 晃动 C. 摆动 D. 震动 [单项选择]温和的通货膨胀的物价一般上升较慢,每年上升约为______
A. 100%以上 B. 50%~100% C. 10%~50% D. 10%以内 [判断题]“一带一路”分别指的是丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路,一带一路建设在平等的文化认同框架下谈合作,体现的是和平、发展、包容、合作、共赢的精神。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列哪些人民币不能流通( )。
A.人民币样币 B.停止流通的人民币 C.不能兑换的残缺、污损人民币 D.不能兑换的特殊残缺、污损人民币 [单选题]新建的电气化铁路在接触网接电的( )前,铁路局须将接电日期书面通知铁路局内外各单位。
A.5天 B.15天 C.25天 D.30天 [单选题]病人的出入水量除记录在护理记录单上以外,还应记录于( )
A.入院评估单 B.护理计划单 C.护理措施实施单 D.三测单 E.医嘱记录单 [单选题]下列关于荚膜说法,错误的是
A.其成分多为脂类 B.对细菌的存活起一定的保护作用 C.抗吞噬作用 D.荚膜物质具有抗原性 E.可作为细菌鉴别和分型的基础 [单项选择]
使用Windows 2000操作系统中,要查看已知文件类型的扩展名,需要在磁盘目录下执行命令()设置;用键盘上的Delete删除软盘中的文件时,该文件();在硬盘上要直接删除文件而不让文件进入回收站,可以用快捷键()。 用键盘上的Delete删除软盘中的文件时,该文件()A. 进入回收站 B. 进入剪切板 C. 不进入回收站 D. 不确定 [单项选择]急性肾炎合并高血压脑病时,首选药物为()
A. 硝普钠 B. 卡托普利 C. 硫酸镁 D. 硝苯地平 E. 普萘洛尔 [单项选择]The Great Ape Project believes that apes deserve legal protection because.
A. they are very much like humans B. they are conscious of things C. they are natural animals and should be protected D. they are free from imprisonment ad torture [多选题]作业负责人应根据( )和机具布置等情况确定现场防护员站位和移动路径。
A.施工作业现场地形条件 B.作业性质 C.列车运行特点 D.施工(或维修)作业人员 [多项选择]计算项目投资财务净现值应用到的数据有( )。
A. 现金流入 B. 现金流出 C. 静态固定利率 D. 计算期年数 E. 折现率 [单项选择] People and Organizations: the Selection Issue
In 1991, according to the Department of Trade and Industry, a record 48,000 British companies went out of business. When businesses fail, the post-mortem analysis is traditionally undertaken by accountants and market strategists. Unarguably organizations do fail because of undercapitalization, poor financial backing, good product ideas and market acumen (敏锐) often underperform and fail to meet shareholders’’ expectations. The complexity, degree and sustainment of organizational performance requires an explanation which goes beyond the balance sheet and the "paper conversation" of financial inputs into profit making outputs. A more complete explanation of "what went wrong" must consider the essence of what an organization actually is and that one of the financial inputs. The most important and often the most expensive, is people.
An organization is only as good as the people it employs. Selecting the right perso
A. Y B. N C. NG 我来回答: 提交