{{B}} Questions 57 to 61 are based on the
following passage.{{/B}} Even plants can run a fever, especially when they’re under attack by insects or disease. But unlike humans, plants can have their temperature taken from 3,000 feet away-straight up. A decade ago, adapting the infrared (红外线的) scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide (杀虫剂) spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that don’t have pest(害虫)problems. Even better, Paley’s Remote Scanning Services Company cold detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye. Mounted on a plane flown at 3,000 f A. estimate the damage to the crops B. draw a color-coded map C. measure the size of the affected area D. locate the problem area [单项选择]对于原因不明的惊厥、抽搐患者,诊断毒鼠强中毒时,关于哪项鉴别诊断是错误的()
A. 脑部疾病所致继发性癫痫 B. 破伤风、狂犬病惊厥等疾病 C. 主要需与氟乙酰胺中毒鉴别 D. 病毒性脑炎 E. 不需要与精神分裂症、酒精性戒断综合征相鉴别 [单选题] ( )人及以上搬运货物时须有专人指挥
A..一 B..两 C..三 D..四 [单选题]若对音频信号以 10kHz 采样率、16 位量化精度进行数字化,则每分钟的双声道数字化声音信号产生的数据量约为( )。
A.1.2MB B.1.6MB C.2.4MB D.4.8MB [单选题]公务员旷工或者因公外出、请假期满无正当理由逾期不归连续超过(),或者一年内累计超过三十天的,予以辞退。
A.五天 B.十天 C.十五天 D.二十天 [判断题]指纹系统操作人员不得设置为指纹系统管理人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]米尔格莱姆认为,作为“角色人”,行政人员的服从是( )。
A.无限制的 B.有限制的 C.视领导而定 D.视组织规模而定 [判断题]更换泵体液压元件的时候,要停泵并卸压。( )(掌握)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]地方政府债券可以分为( )和( )。
A.一般债券;普通债券 B.一般债券;收入债券 C.普通债券;特种债券 D.专项债券;收入债券 [单项选择]封闭式基金募集期限届满,基金份额持有人人数应达到( )人以上。
A. 100 B. 200 C. 300 D. 以上都不是 [多选题]下列有关计算机性能的描述中,正确的是?
A. 一般而言,主频越高,速度越快 B. 内存容量越大,处理能力就越强 C.计算机的性能好不好,主要看主频是不是高 D. 内存的存取周期也是计算机性能的一个指标 [单选题]某甲向信用社借款10万元,期限5个月,期满后,又过了两年多,该甲仍拒绝还款,可追究其还款责任的理由有( )。
A.信用社负责人多次变动,未及起诉 B.信用社经办人调动时未妥善交接 C.该甲1年前曾向信用社提交过还款计划书 D.该甲完全有能力还款 [多选题]以下哪些是车站发生可燃气体泄漏的应急处理原则( )。
A.切断气源 B.对列车进行清客处理 C.杜绝火种 D.降低浓度 E.设置警戒区 [单项选择]功能成本评价首先要计算功能的成本,然后再评价功能的评价值,根据评价值和()的比值,判断或选择价值工程研究重点方向。
A. 实际价值 B. 目标质量 C. 目标成本 D. 实际成本 [单选题]BB002采油树防喷管安装在( )阀门的上端。
A.放空 B.清蜡 C.取样 D.测试 [判断题]国防是阶级斗争的产物,伴随着阶级和国家的产生而产生。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]交流异步电动机圆形接线图可以表示各相线圈连接方式与规律。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] Laziness is a sin, everyone knows that. We have probably all had lectures pointing out that laziness is immoral, that it is wasteful, and that lazy people will never amount to anything in life. But laziness can be harmful than that, and it is often caused by more complex reasons than simple wish to avoid work. Some people who appear to be lazy are suffering from much more serious problems. They may be so distrustful of their fellow workers that they are unable to join in any group task for fear of ridicule or fear of having their ideas stolen. These people who seem lazy may be paralyzed by a fear of failure that prevents fruitful work. Or other sorts of fantasies may prevent work: some people are so busy planning, sometimes planning great deals of fantastic achievements that they are unable to deal with; strictly speaking, they are merely procrastinating—rescheduling their day.
Laziness can actually be helpful. Like procrastinators, some people may look lazy when they are real
[单选题]制动系统采用“( )”方式,车轮防滑保护则采用“( )”方式。
A.车控、轴控 B.轴控、车控 C.架控、轴控 D.车控、架控 [判断题]手动拉开隔离开关开始时应慢而谨慎,当触头刚刚分开的时刻应迅速拉开,然后检查动静触头断开是否到位。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]道岔辙叉的号数是以辙叉角的大小来衡量的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于焊接作业,下列哪些说法是正确的?
A.协助焊工作业的人员不必佩戴防护眼镜或防护罩 B.所有有毒的焊接材料必须粘贴标签 C.设置危险警示、通告和障碍以警示其他人员 D.有应急设备且随时可用 [单项选择]西咪替丁结构中含有()
A. 呋喃环 B. 噻唑环 C. 噻吩环 D. 咪唑环 E. 吡啶环 [单选题]依据《山东省生产经营单位安全生产主体责任规定》,生产经营单位不得采购和使用无( )或者未经法定认证的特种劳动防护用品。
A.质量标志 B.警示标志 C.安全标志 D.3C认证 我来回答: 提交