According to a recent survey on money
and relationships, 36 per cent of people are keeping a bank account from their
partner. While this financial unfaithfulness may appear as distrust in a
relationship, in truth it may just be a form of financial protection. With almost half of all marriages ending in divorce, men and women are realizing they need to be financially savvy, regardless of whether they are in a relationship. The financial hardship on individuals after a divorce can be extremely difficult, even more so when children are involved. The lack of permanency in relationships, jobs and family life may be the cause of a growing trend to keep a secret bank account hidden from a partner; in other words, an "escape fund" . Margaret’s story is far from unique. She is a representative of a growing number of women in long-term relationships who A. Secret Saver B. Love Is What It’s Wort C. Banking Honest D. Once Bitten, Twice Sh [多选题]《安全生产法》的基本原则有()。
A.人身安全第一的原则 B.诚实信用的原则 C.权责一致的原则 D.社会监督、综合治理的原则 E.依法从重处罚的原则 [判断题]各车站每半年组织一次消防安全培训,培训对象为车站全体员工,具体由值班站长负责实施( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 进行检修作业时,断路器和隔离开关分闸后,要及时断开其操作电源。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) is a (76) document messaging standard in the Internet environment. With MIME, users can send (77) E-mail messages that include audio, video, graphices, and text to any other user of a TCP/IP network. Richtext information can also be (78) into messages. It defines the fonts, formats, and (79) features of a document so the document can be easily (80) on many different types of systems.
A. analog B. many C. multimedia D. digital [判断题]普通旅客列车编挂货车不得超过3辆。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]CRH380B 型动车组人机接口显示屏是动车组的信息显示和输入设备,也是动车组的中央诊断系统。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]李某的一项发明专利权因保护期届满而终止,此后,张某在其制造、销售的产品上标注该发明专利权的专利号。张某的行为属于( )。
A. 侵犯专利权的行为 B. 假冒专利 C. 冒充专利 D. 对专利的合法使用 [多选题]队列指挥要求是( )。
A.口令准确、清楚、洪亮 B.熟练掌握和运用队列指挥方法 C.仪容严整,精神振作 D.指挥位置正确 [单选题]依据«安全生产法»的规定,在以下生产经营单位员工总数不超过100人时,应当设置安全生产管理机构或配备专职安全生产管理人员的是()。
A.某旧金属回收公司 B.某汽车配件制造公司 C.某水产运输公司 D.某食品加工公司 [单选题]安装压力表必须符合下列规定:(1)压力表必须安装在便于观察和吹洗的位置,并防止受高温、冰冻和振动的影响,同时要有足够的照明。(2)压力表必须设有存水弯管。存水弯管采用钢管煨制时,内径不应小于10mm,采用铜管煨制时,内径不应小于6mm。(3)压力表与存水弯管之间应安装( )。
A.三通旋塞 B.三通阀门 C.闸阀 D.截止阀 [单选题]
(1分) 应用程序中的缺陷可能导致服务失败。IT员工正在积极分析应用程序,尝试了解问题所在。此类缺陷的正确名称是什么? A. 问题 B. 事件 C. 事态 D. 已知错误 [单选题]安装、检修焊机或更换保险丝等应由( )进行。
A. 焊工 B. 电工 C. 班长 [单项选择]在大巷中采样时,采样工具不得与()接触。
A. 电缆 B. 架线 C. 支护 D. 杂物 我来回答: 提交