We all know that programming language
is the system of syntax, grammar, and symbols or words used to give instructions
to a computer. Because computers work with binary numbers, first-generation
languages, called machine languages, required the writing of long strings of
binary numbers to represent such operations as add, subtract, and compare. Later
improvements allowed octal, decimal, or hexadecimal representation of binary
strings. It is difficult to write error-free programs in machine language; many
languages have been created to make programming easier and faster. Symbolic, or
assembly, languages-- second-generation languages-- were introduced in the early
1950s. They use simple mnemonics such as "A" for add or "M" for multiply, which
are translated into machine language by a computer program called an a A. began using binary numbers B. was used to implement the Unix operating system C. was put into the market D. was used for modeling physical and environmental events [单项选择]桂花酱是( )而制成。
A. 加糖,密封发酵 B. 加糖渍后发酵 C. 盐渍后加入糖浆 D. 糖渍后加入糖浆 [单项选择]遇到同学醉酒或出现急性酒精中毒时,正确的处置方法是().
A. 将其留在寝室睡觉 B. 让其喝大量的白开水 C. 让其尽量催吐胃中的残酒,并送医院 [简答题]聚合物基复合材料的主要制造方法有哪些?(针对长纤维、短纤维或颗粒各举一两例)
A. 单位商品的价值量降低 B. 商品的使用价值量增加 C. 单位商品的价值量不变 D. 单位商品的价值量提高 [判断题]目前流通中美元所有面额背面主景均为美国著名建筑。0
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSSG 510001-2015) 11.1.6规定:带电作业人员应经专门培训,并经( )取得资格、本单位书面批准后,方可参加相应的作业。
A.面试 B.考试合格 C.评议 D.上级许可 [单选题]由于实际净雨量及历时不一定正好是一个单位和一个时段,所以单位线使用时有( )条基本假定。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]电流互感器和电压互感器的二次绕组应有( )永久性的、可靠的保护接地。
A.一点且仅有一点 B.两点 C.多点 D.至少一点 [判断题]列车越过前方出站信号机时,如需退行对标,则采用RM模式退行对标,无需上报行调。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Life at Aichi University
I’m Yamamoto Mika, a 22-year old Japanese girl. I’d like to invite you to Aichi University so you can understand my life. Our university has a close relationship with China and my department is the only one of its kind in Japan. My courses include the Chinese language, modem Chinese politics and economics. I love the Chinese culture and I have been to Tian jin as an exchange student. In Japan, our courses are divided into compulsory, optional and specialized courses. However, we have a flexible schedule. We can choose classes from a wide range of options. Many students finish the compulsory courses in three years so that they can have one year without any classes. They often use this period of time to study abroad, conduct research and travel. Many students even suspend their study for additional study-abroad opportunities. Japanese universities encourage students to choose their own ways of study, so it is quite easy for us to A. interview celebrities. B. buy drinks and snacks. C. get permission from the organizer. D. take to it a course you have cooked. 我来回答: 提交