My dictionary defines subtle as "not
immediately obvious; characterized by skill or ingenuity; clever; elusive;
[even] insidious." Let us look at some concrete instances of this. (The very
word itself is an example, as the letter" b" is silent in
pronunciation.)" Language can be straight-forward and directly to the point, but sometimes that takes the fun out of it. On occasion, at least, one appreciates subtleties—often as the mark of a quick wit. This particularly is true of jokes that generally have a double meaning. For example: Awaitress received only three pennies for a tip. Nonplussed, she told the customer that those three pennies told a lot about him. He took the bait and asked what they revealed. "The first penny," she said, "tells me you are thrifty." The patron agreed. "what does the second penny say" asked the customer. " A. telling him the particular meanings of the three pennies. B. informing him a pun which is intended to insult him indirectly. C. using a double-meaning joke as a punishment for that few tips. D. explaining to him the implied meaning of the three-pennies. [单选题][T]B-D-013 5 2 5
为了降低各级压缩气体的温度,减少功率消耗,通常设置( )。 A.过滤器 B.加热器 C.冷却器 D.分离器 [单选题]实现肺通气的组织器官是
A.肺泡 B.呼吸道 C.胸廓 D.呼吸道、肺泡和胸廓 [多选题] 自然排烟窗(口)应设置在排烟区域的顶部或外墙,并应符合下列规定( )。 ( )
A.当设置在外墙上时,自然排烟窗(口)应在储烟仓以内,但走道、室内空间净高不大于3m的区域的自然排烟窗(口)可设置在室内净高度的1/3以上 B.自然排烟窗(口)的开启形式应有利于火灾烟气的排出 C.当房间面积不大于300m2时,自然排烟窗(口)的开启方向可不限 D.自然排烟窗(口)宜分散均匀布置,且每组的长度不宜大于5.0m E.设置在防火墙两侧的自然排烟窗(口)之间最近边缘的水平距离不应小于2.0m [单项选择]呃逆连声,常由情志不遂诱发,伴胸胁胀满,辨证为
A. 肝气乘脾 B. 肝脾不调 C. 痰气交阻 D. 气机阻滞证 E. 脾胃虚弱 [多项选择]学校照明设计应注意的要点是()。
A. 教室照明选用直管荧光灯,布灯原则应使灯具长轴方向与学生主视线相平行; B. 当装设黑板照明时,黑板上的垂直照度宜高于水平照度值 C. 教室的照明控制宜按垂直于采光窗分组; D. 大阅览室当有吊顶时,宜采用嵌入式安装的荧光格栅灯具 [简答题]慈善组织在哪些情形下应当终止?
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a parent how to administer antibiotics at home to a child with acute otitis media. Which statement by the parent indicates that teaching has been successful
[单选题]夜间混凝土工程施工时应有足够的照明,在深坑和潮湿地点施工应使用( )安全照明。
A.A-高压 B.B-交流 C.C-直流 D.D-低压 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]客列检列车制动机全部试验前准备:由机次位的①号作业人员依次向列车尾部的④号作业人员用( )传递号志号志贯通后,①号和④号作业人员分别在列车前后端侧面设置安全防护号志。
A.对讲 B.手信号 C.缓解信号 D.制动信号 我来回答: 提交