The heart bypass (心脏搭桥术)has become part
of our cultural life. It has come to seem like a ceremony of passage for the
successful male, a red symbol of courage in midlife. Six hundred thousand bypass
operations are performed a year in the United States. After a bypass, most heart
patients experience significant relief from the peculiar discomfort in the chest
caused by insufficient blood to the heart muscle. In some cases the surgery can
dramatically extend life. American heart patients, who now number about 12
million, are enthusiastic about the surgery. Bypass is one of the most common
major operations in America. In private, however, many of my fellow workers in medicine suspect that bypass has become too popular. A recent Harvard study showed that as many as two-thirds of patients referred for bypass don’t need it or could A. In a sense we may call the United States a "bypass nation". B. In Canada and the U.K. bypass operations are less performed because their medical levels are relatively lower. C. Bypass operations can solve the heart patients’ problems once and for all. D. Recent study shows that nearly all of the bypass operations in the United States are proved useless and needless. [单选题]高速铁路线路路堤坡脚、路堑坡顶或者铁路桥梁外侧起向外各()范围内禁止抽取地下水。
A.50米 B.100米 C.150米 D.200米 E.略 [简答题]对于劳务报酬所得,可以采用哪些税收筹划方法?请分别举例说明。
[多选题] 《水利部关于进一步加强水利安全生产应急管理提高生产安全事故应急处置能力的通知》要求,水利建设项目法人和生产经营单位要明确并落实生产现场()直接处置权和指挥权,在遇到险情或事故征兆时立即下达停产撤人命令,组织现场人员及时有序撤离到安全地点,并向可能受到影响的单位和职工群众发出预警信息,尽量减少人员伤亡。
A.作业人员 B.带班人员 C.班组长 D.调度人员 [单选题]生产系统生产工艺主要设施设备重大灾害因素(露天煤矿爆破参数边坡参数)等发生重大变化时,开展()次专项辨识:
A..1# B..2# C..3# D.0.4 [判断题]银行业金融机构现金清分中心假币实物的保管人员与《假币代保管登记簿》保管人员可以互相兼任。
() A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]RC电路的充电时间长短与R和C的值有关。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]有限空间作业应严格遵守“先检测、再通风、后作业”的原则。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]填用配电第一种工作票的工作,应得到( )的许可,并由工作负责人确认工作票所列当前工作所需的安全措施全部完成后,方可下令开始工作。
A.现场工作许可人 B.配电运维人员 C.全部工作许可人 [填空题]
Directions: You are going to read a text about the situation of the blacks in America, followed by a list of examples and explanations. Choose the best example or explanation from the list A-F for each numbered subheading (41-45). There is one extra example which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Although no longer slavers after the Civil War, American
blacks took no significant part in the life of white America except as servants
or laborers. Many thousands of them emigrated from the war-ravaged South to the
North from 1865 to 1915 in the hope of finding work in the big industrial
cities. Whole communities of blacks crowded together into ghettos in New York
City, Chicago and Detroit, where once the poor white immigrants had lived. These
ghettos, neglected by the city authorities, became slums. The schools to which
black children went were hopelessly inadequate. Unemployment in black ghettos
remained consistent
A.R B.W C.V D.P [单选题]km是()的计量单位符号。
A.距离 B.速度 C.时间 D.压力 [判断题]反应压力变化,对歧化反应影响不大。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]甲在高速路上自杀,乙醉酒后驾车且超速行驶,发现甲之后没有采取任何避让或者制动措施,造成甲的死亡。关于本案下列说法正确的是:( )
A. 由于受害人存在故意,因此,责任由甲自负 B. 尽管甲存在故意,但是,乙存在重大过失,因此,乙不能完全免责,应承担相应责任 C. 乙应当承担一半的责任 D. 乙应当承担全部的责任 [单项选择]生殖细胞瘤与松果体瘤鉴别,以下哪一项CT表现有利于生殖细胞瘤的诊断:
A. 肿瘤在三脑室后部 B. 肿瘤中度增强 C. 松果体钙化被肿瘤包围 D. 松果体钙化移位 E. 脑积水 [单项选择]铁芯是变压器的主要部件之一,既是变压器的(),也是变压器器身的机械骨架。
A. 电压回路; B. 次磁路; C. 主磁路; D. 电流回路。 [单选题] "修理工作中,要按照设备( )进行修复,严格把握修理的质量关,不得降低设备原有的性能
A.原始数据和精度要求 B.损坏程度 C.运转情况 D.维修工艺要求" [单选题]>容许信号显示一个()灯光——准许列车在通过色灯信号机显示红色灯光的情况下不停车,以不超过20 km/h的速度通过,运行到次一架通过信号机,并随时准备停车。
A.绿色 B.黄色 C.蓝色 D.白色 我来回答: 提交