Gravity is a slippery beast. We don’t
know how strong it is, how it works or how fast its effects move. But this year
we made progress. October saw the most accurate measurement yet of Newton’s gravitational constant(引力常数 ), G, a measure of the strength of the gravitational interaction between two objects. A Swiss team calculated G’s value by measuring how the gravitational pull of two huge tanks of mercury affected the weights of test masses. However, there are discrepancies between measurements of G made in different labs. This year a highly contentious(有争议的) explanation for this was proposed. A group of string theorists proposed that gravity is subtly affected by magnetic fields, and that G should be larger near Earth’s poles where the magnetic field is stronger. Sure enough, this fits with the measurements so far. So A. two things far apart might vibrate in unison B. the ripples in space-time are only imagined C. there exist gravitational waves D. abrupt, violent cosmic events lead to gravitational waves [简答题]简述我国土地一级市场和二级市场。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]火焰原子吸收光谱仪的空心阴极灯在使用时,应该根据仪器的性能条件,尽量使用低电流,在长期不用,也要定期点燃,进行“反接”处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]索道架设应执行输变电工程()级及以上施工安全风险管理人员到岗到位要求。
A.三 B.二 C.四 D.五 E./ F./ [填空题]
1 Architecture is to building as literature is to the printed word. The best buildings are often so well constructed that they outlast their original use. They then survive not only as beautiful objects, but as documents of the history of cultures. These achievements are never wholly the work of individuals. Architecture is a social art. 2 The renaissance brought about an entirely new age, not only in philosophy and literature but in the visual arts as well. In architecture, the principles and styles of ancient Greece and Rome were brought back to life and reinterpreted. They remain dominant until the 20th century. 3 Many kinds of stone are used as building materials. Stone and marble were chosen for important monuments because [判断题]密度是某物质单位体积的质量,其单位可用g/cm3,Kg/L,t/m3表示。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]驾驶员食(饮)用()物质,可能被误认为酒后驾驶。
A. 茶叶水 B. 藿香正气水 C. 饮料 D. 白开水 [单项选择]关于上颌间位置关系的调整广下列说法错误的是()
A. 上下颌的位置关系要经过两次调整才能达到正常 B. 3个月以前的胎儿表现上颌前突 C. 3个月时胎儿上下颌在同一垂直平面上 D. 7个月的胎儿,上颌又超过下颌呈前突状 E. 新生儿出生后,因吮吸动作,上下颌间关系调整到正常 [单选题]左发火警实施灭火,松出左发灭火电门后应按压哪个电门:
A. AGENT 1 B. AGENT 2 C. AGENT 1和AGENT 2按钮都可以用于左发灭火 D. AGENT 1和AGENT 2都不能用于左发灭火 [单选题]车站值班员应严格按( )规定时机开闭信号机。
A.车站 B.《站细》 C.车务段 D.路局 [单项选择]构成计算机电子的或机械的物理实体被称为( )。
A. 计算机系统 B. 计算机硬件系统 C. 主机 D. 外设 [单选题]原子吸收分光光度计乙炔气用的减压阀应是()。
A.A.氧气表 B.B.氢气表 C.C.内装有铜制波纹管的精密减压阀 D.D.铁制减压阀 [单选题]本属列车日常检修的库内技术作业时间应满足甩挂作业、例行检查和专项检修时间,一般情况下,在客整所所在地车站图定到开时间间隔不少于( )。
A.4h B.5h C.6 h D.7 h [多选题]保证安全生产是工务部门的基本职责,各级工务部门必须认真贯彻执行“()”的方针。
A.安全第一 B.预防为主 C.综合治理 D.防治结合 [单项选择]在建设工程合同签订以后,由( )支付预付款。
A. 承包人 B. 发包人 C. 中标商 D. 总承包企业 [多项选择]下列哪些是由局部刺激因素引起的牙周病()
A. 慢性龈炎 B. 慢性牙周炎 C. 多发性龈脓肿 D. 龈乳头炎 E. 急性坏死性溃疡性龈炎 [单选题]根据《招标投标法》,投标人少于( )个时,招标人应当依法重新招标。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]
患者男。低热、咳嗽、皮肤红丘疹,有异常性生活史,临床怀疑艾滋病。 艾滋病的特征性免疫学异常是()A. 选择性T细胞缺乏,CD4+/CD8+比值下降 B. 迟发性皮肤超敏反应减弱或消失 C. 血清IgG、IgA升高 D. C3、C4轻度降低 E. EAC花环值正常 [单选题]下列关于近视眼的叙述,哪项是错误的:
A.眼球前后径过长 B.近点较正常眼更远 C.眼的折光力过强 D.平行光线聚焦于视网膜前 E.可用凹透镜纠正 [判断题]用于公路营运的载客汽车、重型载货汽车、半挂牵引车可以安装、使用符合国家标准的行驶记录仪。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《中国农业发展银行诉讼管理办法(2017年修订)》(农发银发〔2017〕235号)规定,诉讼案件处理过程中,处理行应在庭审(一审、二审、申请再审)、提起上诉、申请再审、判决(含撤诉、调解、裁决等)、申请执行、结案等诉讼进展发生后( )日内,向诉讼案件有权管理行报告。
A.3 B.5 C.7 D.10 [单选题]宽带中断时长大于30天的:流量服务关怀标准为( )G,有效期( )天?
A.5G、30天 B.10G、30天 C.20G、30天 D.20G、60天 [单选题]ABI001 4 1 2
熔点主要是( )的热转变温度。 A.体型聚合物 B.支链型聚合物 C.结晶聚合物 D.无定型聚合物 我来回答: 提交