There are few stranger alliances in
America’s culture wars than the one between nativists and multiculturalists on
the subject of assimilating immigrants. Nativists argue that the great American
assimilation machine is broken beyond repair. Immigrants arrived in such
quantities in the 1980’s and 1990’s that they can seclude themselves in ethnic
enclaves rather than merging into the mainstream. And the growing ease of
communications means that they have no need to loosen their ties with their
original countries. The Italians who passed through Ellis Island at the turn of
the century had little hope of seeing their motherland again. The
multiculturalists agree with the nativists’ premises but go on to draw radically
different conclusions. "Mainstream America" was never anything more than a
codeword for racial A. immigrants can no longer be brought into mainstream America. B. mainstream America refuses to assimilate immigrants any more. C. immigrants will eventually be assimilated into mainstream America. D. assimilation ironically strengthens cultural identities of immigrants. [判断题]钎焊作业的安全生产意在防止发生人身伤亡和财产损失等生产事故
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用电话闭塞法行车时,列车占用区间的行车凭证为( )。
A.调度命令 B.路票 C.绿色许可证 D.红色许可证 [简答题]为什么古今文人多认为紫色砚石最为名贵?
[单选题]普通柜员间进行现金调剂时,由( )使用'0041柜员间现金/现钞调拨'交易,录入调拨金额等相关信息并进行配款。
A.调入柜员 B.调出柜员 C.调入柜员和调出柜员 D.任意柜员 [判断题]变压器一、二次电压之比等于一二次绕组匝数之比。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]老家眉山,在成都高新区工作,参加成都社保满2年,已在老家领取准生证。现在成都生娃不知报销生育保险是否需要先给小孩上户口?还有生育保险报销有时间限制没有?
A. 透射电镜 B. 扫描电镜 C. 扫描隧道显微镜 D. 超高压透射电镜 E. 原子力显微镜 [单选题]QOS分级保障方案可使用特定的5QI承载保障业务,并通过QOS参数/功能组合优化资源分配
A.正确; B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 G.略 [判断题]清洗浴缸的最后步骤是用清水冲洗墙壁、浴缸,等水流尽后,任由浴缸自行风干。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]机舱舱棚的出入口,应装设符合要求的门,如果在"位置2",门槛应至少高出甲板()
A.380mm B.450mm C.600mm D.760mm [单选题]根据下面资料,回答
By the time I finished high school, my interest in animals had grown, and I enrolled at a university to study biology. I learned soon enough that studying animals at this level was not in the animals′ best 31 . I remember one midterm exam in 32 each student was handed a large, freshly-killed frog and instructed to dissect (解剖) and mark a set of body parts. I looked at the 33 frog in front of me and was saddened that her life was 34 away for such a slight reason.
A year later, in the same lab where I dissected the flog, I performed a small act of animal operation. We were 35 on fruit flies, and it was time to record the distribution of characteristics in their next generation. Flies were kept in small plastic bottles. Counting the number of flies with white or red eyes required first exposing them to ether (乙醚) 36 they could not move. The flies were then spread onto a piece of white paper 37 and counted. When the data collection was complete, the flies had no further use, and our instructions were to put them into a small glass dish of oil at the center of each desk, which was to be their final resting 38 .
Once my little pile of flies had been counted, I pushed them off the edge of the paper. As we recorded our data, I kept one eye 39 them. Within minutes the pile was humming (嗡嗡叫) as tiny legs and wings beat their way out of the ether fog. I was extremely excited as they took flight. That was my first step in refusing to conduct scientific research that treated nonhuman life in a (n) 40 way.
A.for B.with D.on [单选题]( )急救措施对解救休克病人有作用。
A.心脏按摩 B.人工呼吸 C.掐"人中"穴 [填空题]在一个堆的顺序存储中,若一个元素的下标为i(0≤i≤n-1),则它的左孩子元素的下标为 。
A. 人际沟通能力培养 B. 朋辈交往能力的提升 C. 自信心方面的训练和提高 D. 情绪调节方面的辅导 [判断题]生理盐水和葡萄糖溶液各取100ml混合,与血浆相比较,此混合液不是等渗溶液。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]矿井的两回路电源线路上都不得分接任何( )。
A.线路 B.设备 C.负荷 [多选题]西方传统人事管理由萌芽到成长的迅速发展阶段,企业雇主的认知发生了重大变化,体现在()。
A.重视员工的个别差别 B.主管关怀下属 C.注重调整人际关系 D.激励员工积极性 E.对员工进行技能培训 [单选题] 在电路中,将两个及以上的电阻的一端全部联接在一点上,而另一端全部连接在另一点上,这样的联接称为电阻的()。
A.串联 B.并联 C.混联 [单项选择]假定有以下循环结构:
Do until条件 循环体 Loop 则下列说法正确的是 ______。 A. 如果“条件”是一个为-1的常数,则一次循环体也不执行 B. 如果“条件”是一个为-1的常数,则至少执行一次循环体 C. 如果“条件”是一个不为-1的常数,则至少执行一次循环体 D. 不论“条件”是否为“真”,至少要执行一次循环体 [不定项选择题]–年7月1日以后,上海市所有派出所均可以办理身份证登记指纹信息。此举可以有效防范冒用他人居民身份证以及伪造、变造居民身份证等违法犯罪行为的发生,更好地保护公民合法权益。下列关于身份证的表述不正确的是:
A.公民身份号码的编码对象是具有中华人民共和国国籍的公民 B.十六周岁至四十五周岁的公民,发给有效期二十年的居民身份证 C.四十六周岁以上的公民,发给长期有效的居民身份证 D.未满十六周岁的公民,由监护人代为申请领取居民身份证 [简答题]抗日战争时期八路军出征首战告捷的是什么战役?
A. 粘度最大 B. 粘度最小 C. 密度最大 D. 密度最小 我来回答: 提交