Ever since its discovery, Pluto has never really fitted in. After the pale and glowing giant Neptune, it is little more than a cosmic dust mite, swept through the farthest reaches of the solar system on a planet wildly tilted relative to the rest of the planets. It is smaller than Neptune’s largest moon, and the arc of its orbit is so oval that it occasionally crosses its massive blue neighbor’s path.
For years, it has been seen as our solar system’s oddest planet. Yesterday, however, scientists released perhaps the most convincing evidence yet that Pluto, in fact, is not a planet at all. For the first time, astronomers have peered into a belt of rocks beyond Pluto unknown until 10 years ago—and found a world that rivals Pluto in size. The scientists posit that larger rocks must be out there, perhaps even larger than Pluto, meaning Pluto is more likely the king of this distant realm of space detritus than the tiniest of the nine planets.
A. Rocks larger than Pluto have been found in the Kuiper Belt.
B. The Kuiper Belt did not exist when Pluto was first discovered.
C. The astronomers are divided with regard to the status of Pluto.
D. There is almost no difference between Pluto and other Kuiper Belt objects.
It would be interesting to discover how
many young people go to university without any clear idea of what they are going
to do afterwards. If one considers the enormous variety of courses {{U}}(62){{/U}} ,
it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select the course
most suited to his {{U}}(63){{/U}} and abilities. If a student goes to university to
acquire a broader {{U}}(64){{/U}} of life, to enlarge his ideas and to learn to
think for himself, he will {{U}}(65){{/U}} benefit. Schools often have
too{{U}}(66){{/U A. ambiguous B. insufficient C. negligible D. ignorant [单选题]通过“肛门-手-口”感染的线虫是
A.钩虫 B.蠕形住肠线虫 C.似蚓蛔线虫 D.毛首鞭形线虫 E.旋毛形线虫 [单项选择]云南地处世界两大生物多样性热点地区的交界处,高海拔的青藏高原在云南迅速过渡到低海拔的马来半岛。云南的大部分河流都是南北走向,热带动植物随着北上的湿热空气,一直深入到云南的大部分地区。因此,云南在4%的国土面积上拥有全国50%以上的植物种类,70%以上的动物种类和80%以上的植被种类。
这段文字意在强调( )。
A. 云南生物多样性的特点很突出 B. 云南具有特殊的自然地理条件 C. 云南的地形与生物多样性的关系 D. 云南的气候与生物多样性的联系 [单选题]()是把一些直接的硬件信息固化在一个只读存储器内。是软件和硬件之间这重要接口。系统启动时首先从它这里调用一些硬件信息,它的性能直接影响着系统软件与硬件的兼容性。
A.BIOS芯片 B.内存芯片 C.CPU芯片 D.显卡芯片 [单选题]连墙件是将脚手架承受的风荷载和其它水平荷载有效传递到()上的主要构件。
A.建筑结构 B.横向斜撑 C.地基基础 D.剪刀撑 [单项选择]Within 2 years, the turnout of this mobile phone manufacturing company increased ______.
A. ten fold B. ten-fold C. ten-time D. ten-folds [单选题]调车手信号的停车信号的意义是要求列车( )显示方式:昼间——展开的红色信号旗;夜间——红色灯光。昼间无红色信号旗时,两臂高举头上向两侧急剧摇动;夜间无红色灯光时,用白色灯光上下急剧摇动。
A.减速运行 B.加速运行 C.停车 D.通过 [单选题]机动车在路边停车时,机动车驾驶人( ),上下人员或者装卸物品后,立即驶离。
A.可以下车休息 B.可以下车装卸物品 C.不得离车 D.在车上,可以不拉手刹 [单项选择]可以适用调解结案的案件只能是( )。
A. 行政赔偿 B. 行政强制 C. 行政处罚 D. 行政征收 [多选题]在全面开展体能和业务训练前,严格按训练科目要求着装,身上不得携带( )等与训练无关的坚硬物品。
A.打火机 B.手机 C.钥匙 D.手表 E.笔 F.刀 [单项选择]账户金电子渠道交易时间原则上为()。
A. 周一上午7点至周六凌晨4点 B. 周一上午7点至周日凌晨4点 C. 周一上午7点至周六凌晨5点 D. 周一上午7点至周日凌晨5点 [判断题]对正在进行行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其他严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪,采取防卫行为,造成不法侵害人伤亡的,不属于防卫过当,不负刑事责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在估计红细胞生成有效方面,下面哪些指标较为准确()
A. 网织红细胞相对值 B. 网织红细胞绝对值 C. 网织红细胞校正值 D. 网织红细胞生成指数 E. 红细胞计数 [单选题]当带电体接地有电流流入地下时,电流在接地点周围土壤中产生的电压降。人在接地点周围,两脚之间出现的电压称为( )。
A.跨步电压 B.安全电压 C.零电压 [单项选择]某市一石化公司经市规划局批准,在居民区旁建了一个加油站,由于距离居民区过近,致使大批居民没有安全感,而且大量的车辆进进出出,使得该居民区不得安宁。于是居民将城市规划局诉至法院。法院不可能作出的处理方式是:
A. 如果规划局的批准行为违法,作山撤销规划局的批准行为 B. 直接确认规划局的批准行为违法 C. 责今规划局采取相应的补救措施 D. 造成损害的,依法判决规划局承担赔偿责任 [判断题]中国抗日战争的起点和中国人民局部抗战开始的标 志是九•一八事变。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]含有油室与菊糖的药材有()
A. 木香 B. 川木香 C. 白术 D. 苍术 E. 独活 [多选题]我国发行债券的主体可以是()。
A.财政部 B.公司 C.企业 D.个人 E.地方政府 [简答题]对燃气的连接胶管性能有何要求?
A. ν0<ν1 B. ν2=ν2+ν1 C. ν0=ν1+ν2+ν3 D. 1/ν1=1/ν2+1/ν3 我来回答: 提交