Computer people talk lots about the
need for other people to become "computer literate ". But not all experts think
it a good idea. One pioneer, in particular, who disagrees, is David Debut, the founder of Computer town UK. Though many people see this as a successful attempt to bring people closer to the computer, David does not see it that way. He says that Computer town UK was formed for just the opposite reason, to bring computers to people and make them "people literate". David Debut thinks Computer towns are most successful when tied to a computer club but he thinks there is an important difference between the two. The clubs are for people who have some computer knowledge already. This frightens away non-experts, who want to go to Computer towns where there are computers for them to operate, with experts to encourage th A. being able to afford a computer B. being able to write computer programs C. working with the computer and finding out its value D. understanding the computer and knowing how to use it [判断题]运营绩效管理系统可以根据日期来查询对公综合自助设备业务量
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]有以下情形的,工作秘密予以解除()
A.有关规定调整后,相关事项属于应公开事项的 B.公开后不会对机关单位正常履行职责或者国家安全、公共利益造成不利影响 C.工作秘密已经泄露 D.单位负责人同意解除 [单选题]( )有自动电气连接器和插头插座式连接器。
A.A. 电插连接装置 B.B. 混合连接装置 C.C. 互通连接装置 D.D. 电气连接装置 [多选题]施工用电保护零线(PE线)应在配电系统的()做重复接地。
A.始端 B.中间 C.连接段 D.末端 [简答题]行政指导
A. 用户设置 B. 客服热线 C. 网点地图 D. 银联商圈 [单项选择]表达式3^2 Mod l4/2^3的值是( )。
A. 1 B. 0 C. 2 D. 3 [单选题]在合理情绪疗法中,咨询师的角色不应该是( )。
A. 监督者 B. 说服者 C. 指导者 D. 分析者 [单项选择]心尖部第一心音增强,可见于下列疾病,但不包括()
A. 发热 B. 贫血 C. 甲状腺功能亢进症 D. 二尖瓣狭窄 E. 二尖瓣关闭不全 [单项选择]莪术抗癌作用的机制是()
A. 抑制肿瘤细胞蛋白质合成 B. 对癌细胞有直接杀灭作用 C. 增加肿瘤组织血流量 D. 抑制肿瘤细胞核酸合成 E. 以上均非 [多选题]主站系统采用通信规约与子站系统通信的目的是()
A.降低传送信息量 B.保证数据传输的可靠性 C.保证数据传递有序 D.改正数据传输的错误 E.减少数据传输时间 [单选题]在5级及以上的大风以及暴雨、雷电、冰雹、大雾、沙尘暴等恶劣天气下,()露天高处作业。
A.应停止 B.不宜 C.采取措施可 D.经工作负责人同意可 E.略 F.略 [判断题]按支出法计算国民收入时,转移支付也是国民收入的组成部分。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交