Lichens may grow on the bark of a tree
in a steaming tropical rain forest, on the bricks of big city buildings, on
rocks in hot springs, on wind-swept mountaintops, and in the driest desserts. In
the arctic, they provide the principal food for caribou, and they are one of the
few plants that grow in Antarctica. They are pioneers, appearing in
{{U}}barren{{/U}} rocky areas and starting the formation of soil in which mosses,
then ferns, and then other plants can take root. Lichens are a partnership of two plants — fungi and algae. The lichen body is made up of a network of fungal strands. In the upper layers of these grow groups of algae. The two organisms live together to the benefit of both, a relationship known as symbiosis. The fungi provide support, absorb water, and shelter the tender algae from direct sunlight. The algae carry on photosynthesis A. Because they developed so early in the history of the planet. B. Because of their primitive structure. C. Because they prepare soil for other plants. D. Because they were the first plants to live in Antarctica . [单项选择]胆脂瘤是慢性化脓性中耳炎的并发症之一,其X线典型表现为()
A. 硬化型乳突 B. 乳突内圆形、边界清楚、边缘硬化之透亮区 C. 乳突内不规则形、边界模糊不清之透亮区 D. 不规则状虫蚀样骨质破坏 E. 片状不规则骨质硬化 [单项选择]联动无负荷试车合格后,( )在试车记录上签字。
A. 监理工程师 B. 发包人和承包人 C. 监理工程师和承包人 D. 监理工程师和发包人 [多选题]不同的人由于社会环境、思想观念、利益需要、人生经历和性格特征等方面的差异,会形成截然不同乃至截然相反的信念。即使同一个人,也会形成关于社会生活不同的信念。这说明( )。
A..信念有不同的层次和类型 B..信念的多样性是正常现象 C..信念具有分散性 D..信念具有执着性 [判断题]盛装易起聚合反应或分解反应气体的气瓶,必须规定储存期限,并应避开放射性射线源。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列折旧方法中,按()计算的各年折旧率虽相同,但年折旧额因按固定资产净值计算,故逐年变小。
A. 年限平均法 B. 双倍余额递减法 C. 年数总和法 D. 加速折旧法 [判断题]一个工作负责人能同时执行多张电力通信工作票。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )《中国石化炼油化工危险工艺分级管理规定(试行)》中所称的炼油化工危险工艺是指按照《炼油化工工艺危险性分级方法》划入危险等级为一级、二级、三级、四级的工艺。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交