With Airbus’ giant A380 airliner about to take to the skies, you might think planes could not get much bigger-and you would be right. For a given design, it turns (1) , there comes a point where the wings become too heavy to generate (2) lift to carry their own weight. (3) a new way of designing and making materials could (4) that problem. Two engineers (5) University College London have devised all innovative way to customise and control the (6) of a material throughout its three-dimensional structure.
In the (7) of a wing, this would make possible a material that is dense, strong and load-bearing at one end, close to the fuselage, (8) the extremities could be made less dense, lighter and more (9) . It is like making bespoke materials, (10) you can customise the physical properties of every cubic millimetre of a structure.
The new technique combines existing technologies in a(n) (11) <
A. stand
B. sustain
C. understand
D. withstand
C 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Donald was not very good at math. Once they would have a math exam, Donald decided (决定) to sit next to the boy who’s best at math, and copy (抄) down his answers. The day of the exam (考试) came, and Donald sat next to Brian, who always was at the top (最高的) of the class in math. Donald carefully copied Brian’s answers on to his own exam paper. After the teacher graded (评分) all the students’ papers, she said, "I wanted to give a prize (奖品) to the student who got the highest grade (分数). But two students — Donald and Brian got the same grade. I’ve thought about it, and have decided to give the prize to Brian." Donald was angry when he heard this. He stood up and said, "This is not fair (公平)." "That’s right," the teacher said. "But Brian’s answer to Question 18 was ’I don’t know.’ Yours was ’Neithe [多选题]金融机构应当对金融产品和服务的风险及专业复杂程度进行评估并实施分级动态管理,完善金融消费者()测评制度,将合适的金融产品和服务提供给适当的金融消费者。
A.风险偏好 B.风险承受能力 C.风险认知 D.风险预警 [单选题]铁路部门安设的防抛网应设置在上跨铁路桥两侧栏杆部位,其高度自桥面人行道底部起不低 于()米。
A.2.5 B.3 C.3.5 D.4 [简答题]
某幢写字楼,土地面积4000㎡,总建筑面积为9000㎡,建成于1990年10月1日,土地使用权年限为1995年10月1目~2035年10月1日。现在获得类似的40余年土地使用权价格为2000元/㎡,建筑物重置成本(不含空调)为1300元/㎡.建筑物自然寿命为60年,有效经过年数为10年。其他的相关资料如下: [多选题] 《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》第一章第四条规定:事故报告应当及时、准确、完整,任何单位和个人对事故不得( )。
A. 迟报 B. 漏报 C. 谎报 D. 或者瞒报 [判断题]站间区间在单线上,车站与车站间以出站信号机柱的中心线为车站与区间的分界线。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]水痘皮疹的分布特点为()
A. 全身弥漫性分布 B. 多分布于四肢、臀部,尤以下肢为主 C. 向心性分布,自躯干到面、头 D. 自面部、颈到躯干再到四肢 E. 颈、躯干多见,一日出齐 [单选题]【远航学校】纵向水平杆(大横杆)的对接扣件应交错布置,两根相邻杆的接头,在不同步或不同跨的水平方向错开的距离应( )。
A.不小于300mm B.不小于400mm C.不小于500mm D.不大于500mm [单项选择]先将乳化剂加入到水中,再将油加入,用力搅拌使成初乳,加水稀释至全量,混匀的制备方法为()
A. 干胶法 B. 湿胶法 C. 新生皂法 D. 两相交替加入法 E. 机械法 [单选题]吸附剂的用量一般应大于SF6总重量的(____)%。
A.A 3 B.B 5 C.C 10 D.D 15 [简答题]你在学校时最喜欢的科目是什么?最不喜欢的科目是什么?
[单项选择]按贷款用途划分,公司信贷的种类不包括( )。
A. 自营贷款 B. 土地储备贷款 C. 个人住房贷款 D. 流动资金贷款 [单项选择]Less Is More
It sounds all wrong--drilling holes in a piece of wood to make it more resistant to knocks.But it works because the energy from the blow gets distributed throughout the wood rather than focusing on one weak spot.The discovery should lead to more effective and lighter packaging materials. Carpenters have known ________(51)centuries that some woods are tougher than others.Hickory(山核桃木),for example,was turned into axe handles and cartwheel spokes(轮辐)because it Can absorb shocks without breaking.White oak,for example,is much more easily
damaged,_________ (52)it is almost as dense.Julian Vincent at Bathe University and his team were convinced the wood’s internal structure could explain the differences.
Many trees have tubular(管的)vessels that run _________ (53)the trunk and carry water to the leaves.In oak they are large,and arranged in narrow bands,but in hickory they are smaller,and more evenly distributed.The researchers _________ (54)this layout might distribute a
A. behind B. beyond C. for D. in [单选题]清洁消毒的布巾地布材质宜使用
A.尼龙 B. 纯 棉 C.棉纶 D.超细纤维 [单选题]党的各级纪律检查委员会是党内( )专责机关。
A.监督 B.检查 C.监察 D.检察 我来回答: 提交