[单项选择]加工配制中,安装在设备及工艺系统上的永久性钢平台,钢平台区域内必须能承受不小于()kN/m2均匀分布动载荷,在钢平台区域内中心距为1m,边长300mm正方形上应能承受不小于()kN集中载荷。 A. 2、1.0 B. 3、1.1 C. 4、1.2
[简答题] Pop Art was defined by images of material goods and popular culture. Pop artists rejected the serious nature of the art world. To do this, these artists painted or printed everyday images of things that usually are not considered art. These images included photographs from magazines, drink advertisements and drawings from popular comic strips.
Some critics say that Pop Art was a reaction to Abstract Expressionism. Artists of the Abstract Expressionist movement took themselves very serious. They did not approve of popular culture. They thought artists should not be concerned with such unimportant parts of culture. Pop artists, however, celebrated popular culture in all of its forms. They approved of using mass media and mass production as an influence in their art. Pop Art also reflected the rise in wealth and the importance of owning things that America experienced in the 1950s. One art critic defined Pop art as popular, low-cost, young, mass-produced and sexy.
Warhol is
某企业为了扩大某产品的生产,拟建设新厂。据市场预测,产品销路好的概率为0.8,销路差的概率为0.2。有三种方案可供企业选择: 方案1:新建大厂,需投资260万元。据初步估计,销路好时,每年可获利140万元;销路差时,每年亏损50万元。服务期为10年。 方案2:新建小厂,需投资180万元。销路好时,每年可获利50万元,销路差时,每年仍可获利23万元。服务期为10年。 方案3:先建小厂,3年后销路好时再扩建,需追加投资200万元,服务期为7年,估计每年获利105万元。 如果该企业选取方案1,则方案1的期望收益为( )万元。 A. 760 B. 800 C. 820 D. 860
[单项选择]患者,23岁,有国外旅游史,一天前出现腹部隐痛不适,排大便35次,每次量均较多,先为水样便,再转为洗肉水样大便,呕吐水样物10次,不伴恶心,无发热,无里急后重。体查:声音轻度嘶哑,眼窝明显下陷,皮肤褶皱恢复较慢。根据题意,回答下列3题。第一天的补液量应是() A. 1000~2000ml B. 4000~8000ml C. 8000~10000ml D. 2000~3000ml E. 12000ml以上