根据材料回答下列问题 钱先生是住房公积金制度的客户,每月按时缴纳住房公积金。钱先生打算购买一套评估价为60万元的自住普通住房,拟在招商银行申请个人住房公积金贷款,假定目前钱先生名下的住房公积金本息余额为5000元,上个月公积金汇储额为100元(包括单位及个人)。本人目前离法定退休年龄还剩30年。 |
The current emergency in Mexico City
that has taken over our lives is nothing I could ever have imagined for me or my
children. We are living in an environmental crisis, an air-pollution emergency
of unprecedented severity. What it really means is that just to breathe here is
to play a dangerous game with your health. As parents, what terrorizes us most are reports that children are at higher risk because they breathe more times per minute. What more can we do to protect them and ourselves Our pediatrician’s (儿科医师的) medical recommendation was simple: abandon the city permanently. We are foreigners and we are among the small minority that can afford to leave. We are here because of my husband’s work. We are fascinated by Mexico--its history and rich culture. We know that for us, this is a temporary danger. However, we can A. describe the harmful air-pollution B. explain the way to prevent air-pollution C. show the worries about the air-pollution D. recommend a method to avoid air-pollution [判断题]RS触发器当R=S=1时,触发器状态不变。
[多选题]导线出现最大弧垂的气象条件可能是( )。
A.A.在最大风速时 B.B.在最高气温时 C.C.在覆冰有风时 D.D.在覆冰无风时 [单选题]安全网绳不得损坏和腐朽,搭设好的水平安全网在承受 100kg 重的砂袋假人,从( )高处的冲击后,网绳、系绳、边绳不断。
A.5.0m B.10m C.15m D.20m [多选题]党的各级领导干部必须信念坚定、( ),模范地履行党章所规定的党员的各项义务。
A.为民服务 B.勤政务实 C.敢于担当 D.清正廉洁 [单项选择]早期妊娠保健的要点不包括()
A. 及早确诊妊娠 B. 筛查危险因素 C. 防病、防致畸 D. 进行孕期保健指导 E. 系统产前检查 [填空题]车务作业人员违章作业,错误办理<--NRC-->进路。一经检查发现,应内部待岗三个月,调离原岗位。性质严重并构成事故的责任人,按事故责任进行惩处。
A.稳定 B.可靠 C.可间断 D.不间断 [单项选择]下列不属于黄芩的药理作用的是
A. 抗炎 B. 降脂 C. 抗氧化 D. 抗血栓 E. 升压 [判断题]计算机只要有显示卡,显示器就能正常工作。()
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