"Equal Justice Under Law,’ reads the
motto atop the U.S. Supreme Court building. The words am lofty, but for the
thousands of people who trudge through the criminal-justice system daily and who
speak no English, the phrase means legally nothing. For many of these
defendants, the words are also legally empty. American justice for those who do
not comprehend English is "anything but uniform, let alone understandable. There
are no nationwide standards for court interpreters, little training and
virtually no monitoring. "Everybody gets a piece of due process," says David
Fellmeth, a senior court interpreter in New York city. "But how big a piece
depends on the interpr A. Court interpreters are very important to those who speak no English involved in legal suits. B. Court interpreters decide the length of the sentence of those who speak no English involved in legal suits. C. Justice in the court depends on court interpreters. D. Whether the case is big or not is court interpreters’ choice. [单选题]变压器在短路试验时,因所加的电压而产生的短路电流为额定电流时,这个电压就叫做( )。
A.理想电压 B.短路电压 C.额定电压 D.开路电压 [填空题]由50%二氧化钛颜料、30%环氧树脂、20%填料组成的涂料(非零售包装)
A. 材料牌号相同 B. 材料规格相同 C. 材料热处理状态相同 D. 材料的牌号、规格和热处理状态都相同 [多选题]以下属于精益生产主要特征的是。
A.拉动式生产 B.推动式生产 C.最大限度的减少库存 D.实现准时化生产 [单项选择]在《反省的生命》一书中,诺齐克写到:“我不会像苏格拉底一样,说未经反省的生命是不值得过的——那是过分严苛了。但是,如果我们的人生是由深思熟虑的反省所引导,那么,它就是我们为自己活的生命,而不是别人的。从这个意义上说,未经反省的生命是不完整的生命。”以下各项都能从诺齐克的陈述中推出,除了()
A. 诺齐克以为,值得过的生命都是经过反省的生命。 B. 诺齐克认为,只有为自己活的生命才是完整的生命。 C. 诺齐克认为,完整的生命都是经过反省的生命。 D. 诺齐克认为,未经反省的生命不是完整的生命。 我来回答: 提交