Conservationists may be miscalculating the numbers
of the threatened animals such as elephants, say African and American
researchers. The error occurs because of a flaw in the way they estimate animal
numbers from the piles of dung the creatures leave behind. The mistake could lead researchers to think that there are twice as many elephants as there really are in some regions, according to Andrew Plumptre of the Wildlife conservation Society (WCS) in New York. Biologist Katy Payne of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, agrees. "We really need to know elephant numbers and the evidence that we have is quite indirect," says Payne, who electronically tracks elephants. Counting elephants from aeroplanes is impossible in the vast, equatorial rainforests of Central Africa. So researchers often estimate elephant numbers by counting dung piles in A. "endangered" B. "frightened" C. "died" D. "angered" [判断题]定量投资对信息管理提出的要求反而更多地体现在定性的信息,而定性投资则需要更多定量的信息。
[单选题]根据《建设工程施工现场消防安全技术规范》(GB50720-2011)的规定,临时消防车道的净宽度和净空高度均不应小于( )m。
A.3.5 B.2.5 C.4 D.3 [单选题]当用试验机标定液压加载器时,应按照下列哪种方式进行?()
A.试验机推压加载器活塞 B.在加载器的回程过程中标定 C.加载器的活塞顶升试验机 D.由试验机加压 [单选题]自凝塑料糊塑临时修复体最佳时期是 ( )
A.湿砂期末期 B.稀糊期末期 C.橡胶期 D.粘丝期末期 E.面团期末期 [填空题]EI32-JD型计算机联锁联锁综合机柜中包括操表机、 、网络集线器、 、隔离变压器。
[单选题]电台的呼号通常用( )表达。
A.英文 B.汉字 C.数字 D.罗马字母 [多项选择]糖尿病的新诊断标准包括()。
A. 糖尿病的症状+任意时间血浆葡萄糖水平≥11.1mmol/L B. 糖尿病的症状+任意时间血浆葡萄糖水平≥7.Ommol/L C. 空腹血浆葡萄糖水平≥7.Ommo1/L D. 空腹血浆葡萄糖水平≥11.1mmoL/L E. 24小时血浆葡萄糖水平≥11.1mmol/L [单项选择]属于反佐药功用范畴的是
A. 减君臣药之毒 B. 缓和君臣药之峻 C. 监制君臣药之偏 D. 防止病重邪甚拒药 E. 助君臣药之力 [判断题]对于将检举人姓名和检举材料转给被检举单位和被检举人个人的,依法给予行政处罚。()
[单选题]区宁作业时,挖掘机履带到工作面边缘的安全距离不应小干( )
A.1m B.1.5 m C.2 m D.2.5m [单项选择]阿胶的功效是( )
A. 补血止血 B. 补血温肺 C. 补血益气 D. 补血行血 E. 补血柔肝 [多选题]进入SF6配电装置低位区或电缆沟进行工作,应先检测()是否合格。
A.含氧量 B.可燃气体含量 C.CO2气体含量 D.SF6气体含量 [单选题]柜面综合业务平台中,以下()交易用于主管签退后的自行签到。
A.TX000003 B.TX000004 C.TX000015 D.TX000103 [填空题]按照人体及带电体的方式和电流流过人体的途径,电击可分为().()和()。
It’s a pleasant 73 degrees here. For those of you travelling tomorrow, here is a quick look at the weather for cities around the world. In Amsterdam, it should be clear tomorrow with a high of (1)and a low of 70. Athens is also expected to be clear with a high of 80 and a low of 70. We also expect Beijing to be cloudy with a high of 96 and a low of (2). It will also rain in Cairo but much (3) with a high of 93 and a low of 73. Dublin will be cloudy, as it is often at this time of the year, with a high of 75 and a low of 55. Istanbul will be clear with a high of 86 and a low of 70 while in Moscow the weather will be (4) and on the cool side with temperatures only reaching a high of 66 and going down to 48 at night, If you don’t want hot weather, stay a- way from New Delhi, where the temperature is expected to reach a high of (5) under cloudy skies and go down to a not very comfortable low of 80. And that’s it for weather around the world. 5( ).[判断题]改革转型时期,消防救援队伍体系重构、结构重塑、力量重组,我们每一名消防救援人员应做促进者、建设者和实践者。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]心绞痛发作伴高血压宜选用
A. 地高辛 B. 卡托普利 C. 硝酸甘油 D. 硝苯地平 [多项选择]
患者,男性,65岁,因"活动后心慌气短半年余,加重1周"入院。既往史:糖尿病史8年,风湿性瓣膜病史10余年,2年前曾因房颤行内科导管消融治疗,半年前再次出现心悸症状。查体:体温36.2℃,血压:140/90mmHg,双肺未闻及啰音,心率90次/分,律不齐,心尖部可闻及2/6级收缩期吹风样杂音,向腋下传导。腹平软,肝脾肋下未及,双下肢无水肿。心电图提示房颤。胸部X线平片:心胸比例0.55。超声心动图提示:风湿性瓣膜病,二尖瓣瓣叶增厚,瓣下结构无明显增厚钙化,二尖瓣瓣叶活动良好,二尖瓣口面积2.2cm2,二尖瓣反流面积6.0cm2,三尖瓣轻~中度反流,左房内径45mm,LVEF55%。 消融术后房颤复发的机制可能为() A. 消融线电传导恢复 B. 新的折返环形成 C. 新的局灶激动形成 D. 左心房扩大 E. 心房纤维化 F. 心房有效不应期延长 [填空题]加强党的纪律建设,推进全面从严治党,规范 监督执纪工作,根据《 》和有关法律,结合纪检监察体制改革和监督执纪工作实践,制定本规则。
[多项选择]水胶炸药和浆状炸药的组分相同的有( )。
A. 敏化剂 B. 胶凝剂 C. 氧化剂 D. 水 E. 疏松剂 [单选题]基坑支护 固壁支撑所用木料不得腐坏、断裂,板材厚度不小于(),撑木直径不小于()。
A.10mm 150mm B.30MM 100mm C.50mm 150mm D.50mm 100mm [判断题]电容耦合系数所测数值的绝对值越大越好。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]更换道岔及大部件时,可根据具体情况,须提前通知电务、供电、车务部门配合。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]综合录井仪采集工程参数,转盘转速、立管压力、套管压力、泵冲的测量________要重新设定。
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