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[单选题](2019年) 肺癌晚期患者周大爷因住院治疗效果不佳而悲观消沉,根据医嘱于近期出院,并接受纾缓疗护。作为纾缓疗护团队的一员,社会工作者应提供的服务是()。
A.关注周大爷心理情绪状况并予疏导 B.配合医生开展周大爷治疗需求评估 C.预先安排周大爷的后事一条龙服务 D.鼓励周大爷积极争取更多医疗资源 [判断题]( )同一管道一次只允许进行一点的盲板抽堵作业。每块盲板必须按盲板图编号并挂牌标识,并与盲板图编号一致。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]凉水塔淋水装置的作用是将配水系统均匀分布落下的热水水滴,经多次溅散成为小水滴或形成水膜,以便增大水和空气的接触时间,增强水的蒸发和传导的散热作用,使水温迅速降低。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]爆炸材料库上面覆盖层厚度小于( )米时,必须装设防雷电设备。( )
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [判断题]滑轮卷筒直径越小钢丝绳的曲率半径也越小,绳的内部磨损也越小。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]夜间——红色灯光作圆形转动后,上下摇动,为( )信号。
A.要求再度显示 B.溜放 C.取消 D.告知显示错误 [单项选择]压力容器的操作,必须由()担任。
A. 专业人员 B. 持证人员 C. 领导任命 D. 管理人员 [单项选择] Some people would say that the Englishman’’s home is no longer his castle; that it has become his workshop. This is partly because the average Englishman is keen on working with his hands and partly because he feels, for one reason or another, that he must do for himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he would have hired professional help. The main reason for this is a financial one: the high cost of labor has meant that builders’’ and decorators’’ costs have reached a level which makes them so high that the house-proud English people of modest means hang back. So, if they wish to keep their houses looking bright and smart, they have to deal with some of the repairs and decorating themselves. As a result, there has grown up in the post-war years what is sometimes referred to as the "Do-It-Yourself Movement".
The "Do-It-Yourself Movement" began with home decorating but has since spread into a much wider field. Nowadays there seem to be very few things that canno
A. Financial concern. B. Physical concern. C. Interest in handy work. D. Security concern. [单项选择]
Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive, the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight (16) before setting down. High desert winds had (17) the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be (18) the city for a few minutes waiting to (19) . We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened (20) there might be a few bumps(颠簸). Well, that few minutes turned into about four-five minutes, including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车) (21) by comparison. The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt (22) and had to use airsickness bags. As you might guess, that’ s not a good thing to have happen in a(n) (23) space because it only (24) to increase the discomfort of the situation. [单选题]桃的果实成熟时,果肉与果皮粘连的称为粘皮,不粘连的称为离皮;果肉与果核粘连的称为粘核,不粘连的称为离核。已知离皮
(B)对粘核(b)为显性。现将粘皮离核的桃(甲)与离皮、粘核的桃(乙)杂交,所产生的子代出现四种表现型。由此推断,甲、乙两株桃的基因型分别是( )。
A.AAbb B.aaB C.Aabb D.aaBb,Aabb 我来回答: 提交