It’s generally been said that history is written by the winners. This was never more true than on March 12, when the Texas board of education voted 10-5 in favour of curriculum standards that would promote conservative takes on controversial issues in the pages of the state’s textbooks. The changes, expected to win final approval in May, include an increased emphasis on and sympathetic treatment of such Republican standards as the National Rifle Association and the Moral Majority. They also boast the advantage of capitalism and the role of Christianity in the nation’s founding. Even Thomas Jefferson’s profile will be reduced; some board members were less than fond of his ideas about the division of church and state.
This is not Texas’ first such skirmish. Since the 1970s, the state has tried to drop books that were seen as too liberal or anti-Christian, to omit passages on the gay-rights movement and to tone down global-warming arguments. But
A. The Texans hold a favourable attitude towards religion
B. The Texans are sympathetic with the gay-rights movement
C. It was illegal to teach religion in Tennessean schools in 1920s
D. George Orwell was widely hailed by West Virginians in 1970s
Can the Internet help patients jump the
line at the doctor’s office The Silicon Valley Employers Forum, a sophisticated
group of technology companies, is launching a pilot program to test online
"virtual visits" between doctors at three big local medical groups and about 6,
000 employees and their families. The six employers taking part in the Silicon
Valley initiative, including heavy hitters such as Oracle and Cisco Systems,
hope that online visits will mean employees won’t have to skip work to tend to
minor ailments or to follow up on chronic conditions. "With our long commutes
and traffic, driving 40 miles to your doctor in your hometown can be a big chunk
of time," says Cindy Conway, benefits director at Cadence Design Systems, one of
the participating companies. Doctors aren’t clamoring to chat with patients online for fr A. reluctant to serve online for nothing B. not interested in Web consultation C. too tired to talk to the patients online D. content with $ 20 paid per Web visit [多项选择]混凝土表层加固常用方法有()。
A. 喷浆修补 B. 灌浆修补 C. 预缩砂浆修补 D. 水泥砂浆修补 E. 钢纤维混凝土修 [单选题]
作战行动过程中应根据现场危害风险,落实等级防护,随身携带( ),在充烟、高温、有毒、缺氧等场所侦察或作业时,必须佩戴使用。 A.空(氧)气呼吸器 B.移动供气源 C. 防毒面具 D.阻燃头套 [单选题]关于擅自设立金融机构罪,下列表述是错误的是( )。
A.本罪侵犯的客体是国家的金融管理制度和金融秩序 B.本罪在客观方面表现为行为人未经国家有关主管部门批准,擅自设立商业银行、证券交易所、证券公司、期货经纪公司、保险公司或其他金融机构 C.本罪的犯罪主体是一般主体,自然人和单位都能构成本罪,但外国人除外 D.本罪在主观方面只能是故意 [单项选择]某井井深1700米,井口关井压力2.5MPa,井内作业流体为1.12的盐水,考虑附加系数为1.15,那么应该选用()压井液。
A. 泡沫 B. 地层水 C. 盐水 D. 泥浆 [多项选择]人员任用的程序包括( )。
A. 确认任职能力 B. 任用和分配工作职责 C. 考核评价 D. 撤销职务 E. 撤换岗位 [单选题]长虹将旗下的不同电器赋予不同性格拟人化。当粉丝去“调戏”长虹时,会得到各种拟人电器的回应。此种方法属于微信的哪种营销玩法?
A.定制服务 B.多屏互动技术 C.智能陪聊 D.群组俱乐部 [多项选择]下述()情况适合于国际企业采用集权式的组织控制形式。
A. 企业规模庞大 B. 母公司对子公司资本投入较高 C. 技术复杂 D. 产品多样化程度不高 E. 子公司分布较广 [单项选择]患者,男,55岁,双眼视物成双半月,检查;血压140/85mmHg,韶力右1.0,左1.0,双眼前节及眼底未见异常,角膜映光点在右眼颞侧瞳孔缘,右眼外转不能过中线。同视机检查OS注视L-3°|+17°|+30°R。患者最近有口渴,多尿,消瘦病史,空腹血糖11.2mmol/L,则最佳治疗方案()
A. 控制血糖,营养神经 B. 激素+抗生素 C. 手术矫正斜视 D. 三棱镜治疗 E. 药物治疗,3个月后手术矫正斜视 [单项选择]设U是所有属性的集合,X、Y、Z都是U的子集,且Z=U-X-Y。下面关于多值依赖的叙述中,哪个(些)是正确的?
Ⅲ.若XY,且,则X Ⅳ.若XY,则XZ
A. 只有Ⅱ B. 只有Ⅲ C. Ⅰ和Ⅲ D. Ⅱ和Ⅳ 我来回答: 提交