Campaigning on the Indian frontier is
an experience by itself. Neither the landscape nor the people find their
counterparts in any other portion of the globe. Valley walls rise steeply five
or six thousand feet on every side. The columns crawl through a maze of giant
corridors down which fierce snow-fed torrents foam under skies of brass. Amid
these scenes of savage brilliancy there dwells a race whose qualities seem to
harmonize with their environment. Except at harvest-time, when self-preservation
requires a temporary truce, the Pathan tribes are always engaged in private or
public war. Every man is a warrior, a politician and a theologian. Every large
house is a real feudal fortress made, it is true, only of sun-baked clay, but
with battlements, turrets, loopholes, drawbridges, etc. complete. Every vi A. the introduction of the rifle B. the Spread of British rule C. the extension of luxuries D. the spread of trade [多选题]社会主义核心价值观的内容是( )。
A.富强、民主、文明、和谐 B.自由、平等、公正、法治 C.爱国、敬业、诚信、友善 [填空题]It’s I who (be) ______ to leave at once.
[单选题]下列行为中,银行应警惕经销商欺诈风险的是( )。
A.汽车经销商先后以真实的两套购车资料向同一银行申请车贷 B.汽车经营商为购车人作担保向银行贷款 C.甲向银行申请车贷.而实际的借款人是乙 D.借款人约定3年还款。贷款1年后申请提前还款 [判断题]遇到紧急情况,需利用索降、攀爬翻越等方式通过窗户、阳台进入室内时,救援人员应使用双安全绳保护,绳索的一端要固定在稳固的建筑构件上,至少由两名保护人员操作保护。绳索经过窗台要用墙角保护器或窗台保护垫进行保护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]港币汇丰银行券的冠字号码采用了横竖异形双号码。
A.A、正确 B.B、错误 [单项选择]投资者预计标的证券价格下跌幅度可能会计较大,如果价格上涨,也不愿意承担过高风险,这时投资者可以选择的策略是()。
A. 做多股票认购期权 B. 做多股票认沽期权 C. 做空股票认购期权 D. 做空股票认沽期权 [单选题]商品房预售人应当在签约之日起( )内持商品房预售合同向登记部门登记备案
A.10日 B.15日 C.30日 D.60日 [简答题]按工作原理分类的汽轮机有哪些类型?
[单选题]机车牵引齿轮传动比越大,则( )。
A.速度越高、牵引力越大 B.速度越低、牵引力越大C速度越高、牵引力越小 [简答题]田径运动文化特征有哪些?
A. ① B. ①② C. ①②③ D. ①②③④ E. ④ [简答题]计算题:已知频点为283,计算上下行的中心频点。
[单选题]检查监控工区、机械化维修工区、线路工区的日作业计划,由( )负责调查与编制。
A.车间主任 B.工长 C.班长 D.工管员 [多选题]在AutoCAD中编辑多段线时,命令行中主要选项功能描述正确的是()。
A.A、“编辑顶点”选项:编辑多段线的顶点,可以对多个的多段线操作 B.B、穿越起点合并:将直线段、圆弧或者多段线连接到指定的非闭合多段线上 C.C、宽度:重新设置所编辑的多段线的宽度 D.D、闭合:封闭所编辑的多段线,自动以最后一段的绘图模式连接原多段线的起点和终点 [单项选择]从不同的角度看钟表,它的形状发生了很大的变化,但我们仍然认为它是圆的,这是形状知觉的( )
A. 选择性 B. 理解性 C. 整体性 D. 恒常性 [单选题]合金元素将使钢的导热系数( )。
A.升高 B.降低 C.不变 [判断题]坚持实事求是,最基础的工作在于搞清楚“实事”,关键在于“求是”。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The Function of Adrenocorticotriopin
Some people can quite accurately time the end of their night’’s sleep at will, without using an alarm clock, demonstrating that it is possible to voluntarily control a state of consciousness that is characterized by a loss of volition and attentional guidance. Here we show that the expectation that sleep will come to an end at a certain time induces a marked increase in the concentration of the hormone adrenocorticotriopin(促肾上腺皮质激素) in the blood one hour before waking. The regulation of adrenocorticotropin release during nocturnal sleep is therefore not confined to daily rhythms._________(46).
_________(47). Normally, the release of adrenocorticotropin and cortisol(皮质醇) increases during late stages of sleeping, reaching a daily maximum at the time of spontaneous waking. Adrenocorticotropin and Cortisol are also released from the pituitary-adrenal system in a major adaptive response to stress, and are secreted in anticipation of stressful e
[多选题]关于运行中的高压设备,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.中性点接地系统的中性点应视作带电体 B.在运行中若必须进行中性点接地点断开的工作时,应先建立有效的旁路接地才可进行断开工作 C.中性点接地系统的中性点应视作停电设备 D.在运行中可以直接进行中性点接地点断开的工作 [单选题]急性呼吸衰竭的主要诊断方法是
A.啕部CT B.生化检查 C.心电图 D.血气分析 E.胸透 [单选题]分析进度计划偏差影响时,若工作的进度偏差大于该工作的总时差,则此偏差( )。
A.对后续工作和总工期都有影响 B.对后续工作有影响,对总工期无影响 C.对后续工作无影响,对总工期有影响 D.对后续工作和总工期都无影响 [单选题]消防员避火防护服被使用后,表面烟垢、熏迹可用( )擦净。
A.干棉纱 B.毛巾 C.纸巾 D.清水 [单选题]一型客车的定义是车长小于( )且核定载人数不大于9人的载客汽车。
A.5800mm B.5900mm C.6000mm D.6100mm [判断题]明初废丞相到清初增设军机处的变化从根本上说明皇帝任人唯亲.
[单项选择]Most scientists and engineers find careers in three general sectors of society: colleges and universities, industries, and federal and stale agencies. Their work includes an array of activities, from the conduct of basic and applied research to the design and application of new commercial products to the operation and maintenance of large engineering systems.
You can make your planning more effective by appreciating the direction in which professional careers are shifting within that larger picture. (66) But more than half the students who receive PhDs in science and engineering obtain work outside academe—a proportion that has increased steadily for 2 decades. And full-time academic positions in general are more difficult to find than they were during the 1960s and 1970s, when the research enterprise was expanding more rapidly. (67) The end of the Cold War has removed some incentive for the federal government to fund defense-oriented basic research. Increa A. Powerful changes have swept through the universities. B. All those trends ’affect the universities’ ability to hire scientists and engineers. C. For example, increasing numbers of physicists, mathematicians, and engineers find their skills valued in the financial arena. D. International companies now draw employees from many nations, seeking out valued experts from a global pool of labor to work project by project. E. For example, for many students, a PhD will mean a career as an academic researcher. F. As our society changes, so too do the opportunities for careers in science and engineerin 我来回答: 提交