Imagine fishermen walking down to the
seashore, ready to carry out their early morning routine of preparing their
boats and net. (1) they hope for a good catch of fish. But
to their (2) , a horrible sight meets their still sleepy
eyes. Thousands of fish have washed (3) dead. The cause of
this mass destruction A red tide! Red tides are a global (4) . They have been observed on both the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts of the United States and Canada. They have also (5) in many other places. Though relatively few people are (6) them, red tides are not new. In the Philippines, a red tide was first seen in the province of Bataan in 1908. Since then, red tides have been seen in many other (7) . A Philippines red tide expert told us that " (8) the fish kills, the Philippi A. means of B. amount of C. way to D. account for [判断题]时钟同步网的网络管理分为三级。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我国公开市场业务的操作对象主要是()
A. 股票 B. 基金 C. 债券 D. 国债 [多选题]下列关于整存零取存款的正确表述有( )。
A.整笔存入 B.有3个月、6个月、1年、2年、3年、5年6个不同的存款期限 C.起存金额1000元 D.固定期限,分期支取 [单选题](44835)容许速度大于120km/h的线路,在延长18m范围内,不得同时有( )进行垫碴。(1.0分)
A.一组 B.二组 C.三组 D.四组 [单选题]全国铁路行车组织工作,应根据()规定办理。
A.《行车组织规则》 B. 《铁路技术管理规程》 C. 《车站行车工作细则》 D. 《铁路旅客运输管理规则》 [判断题]1电缆接头处应有防水和防火的措施。------
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述影响心理抗拒的因素及心理抗拒阻止态度的转变。
A. 后装治疗 B. 电子线治疗 C. 两者均可 D. 两者均否 [判断题]腐蚀品物品系指能灼伤人体组织,并对金属等物品造成损坏的气体或液体。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题].(多选题)执法人员开展食品安全监督抽检前,需要携带的文书有: ( )。
A. 《食品安全抽样检验工作质量及工作纪律反馈单》 B. 《食品安全抽样检验告知书》 C. 《食品安全抽样检验封条》 D. 《食品安全抽样检验任务委托书》 [判断题]低温或高温环境下作业,应采取保暖和防暑降温措施,作业时间不宜过长。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交