Palenque was founded three centuries
ago by runaway slaves in the jungle of Colombia. On the surface, it
{{U}} (62) {{/U}} any other impoverished Colombian village. But when
adults here speak with one another, their language draws {{U}} (63)
{{/U}} from as far away as Africa. This {{U}} (64) {{/U}} speech is
known as Palenquero. Theories about its {{U}} (65) {{/U}} vary, but one
thing is certain: It {{U}} (66) {{/U}} for centuries in this small
community, which is now struggling to keep it from {{U}} (67) {{/U}}
. The survival of Palenquero {{U}} (68) {{/U}} San Basilio de Palenque, part of whose {{U}} (69) {{/U}} name is the Spanish word for a fortified village of runaway slaves. Different from other villages that were conquered, this community has successfully {{U}} (70) {{/U}} threats to its existence to this day. {{U}} ( A. run the risk to B. venture to C. take the chance of D. take the adventure to [多项选择]患者,女,48岁,左侧鼻塞、涕中带血,嗅觉减退3个月。若CT检查示肿瘤局限于鼻腔内,未侵入颅内;头部MRI检查亦未发现颅内肿瘤侵犯。该患者应采取的治疗是()
A. 保守治疗 B. 中药治疗 C. 单纯放疗 D. 单纯化疗 E. 鼻侧切开或颅面联合手术+放疗 F. 单纯经鼻内肿瘤摘除 G. 手术彻底切除+放疗 H. 放疗+化疗 [单选题]《动车组以外列车的机务行车安全措施》规定:作业人员要熟知各类灭火器的性能和使用方法,使用后要( )更换新灭火器,并放置原处。
A.及时 B.定期 C.统一 D.分批 [判断题]电流直接经过人体或不经过人体的触电伤害叫做电击。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]邻线来车时,应停止探伤作业和仪器组装、拆卸作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列选项中,符合我国《公证法》中关于公证员任职规定的是:
A. 陈某22岁大学毕业后,当年即取得国家司法考试资格,在所在区公证处实习2年后,担任公证员 B. 李某大学毕业后通过国家司法考试,后因打架斗殴致人重伤被判处2年有期徒刑,刑满后经过2年公证处实习,担任公证员 C. 吴某硕士毕业,今年25岁,取得司法考试资格,在公证处实习1年,担任公证员 D. 赵律师从业3年,在某公证处实习1年,经考核合格,担任公证员 [多选题]OBU状态名单分为( )。
A..OBU挂失、OBU挂起 B.无签注销 C.支付渠道限制使用 D.车辆不符、未关联扣款渠道 [单项选择]定义包括:()
A. 定义项 B. 被定义项 C. 定义联项 D. 以上都有 [单项选择]期货交易所对于交易、结算、交割资料保存年限不少于______年。
A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 [判断题]甲航空公司为地震灾区无偿提供救灾物资运输,其行为应视同销售征收增值税。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在一批货物中,对于实行原产地证书联网管理的,如涉及多份原产地证书或含非原产地证书商品,应分单填报。 ( )
A. 三 B. 四 C. 五 D. 六 [判断题]MRI可显示松质骨小梁间隙内骨髓组织改变,因而是诊断早期骨缺血坏死最为敏感的方法。
[单选题]3年前20万元购置一台设备,由于市场价格变动,如果现场购置相同的新设备只需要15万元,现在该设备可以12万元卖出,卖出该设备需要发生成本、销售费用、税费等1万元,则关于该设备的会计计量属性中,下列说法错误的是( )。
A.A:该设备的历史成本为20万元 B.B:该设备的重置成本为15万元 C.C:该设备的可变现净值为12万元 D.D:在公允价值计量下,出售该设备所能得到的价格为12万元 [多选题]根据我国第六次人口普查15-59岁人口估算,2010年全国慢性病患者大约为( )
A.高血压患者应在2亿以上 B.糖尿病患者应在0.9亿以上 C.肥胖患者应在0.9亿以上 D.超重者应在3亿以上 E.超重者中有很大一部分将会发展为肥胖 [判断题]辅助电气系统采用三组辅助变流器, 能分别提供 VVVF 和 CVCF 三相辅助电源辅助机组进行分类供电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]We live in southern California growing grapes, a first generation of vintners, our home adjacent to the vineyards and the winery. It’s a very pretty place, and in order to earn the money to realize our dream of making wine, we worked for many years in a business that demanded several household moves, an incredible amount of risk- taking and long absences from my husband. When it was time, we traded in our old life, cinched up our belts and began the creation of the winery.
We make small amounts of premium wine, and our lives are dictated by the rhythm of nature and the demands of the living vines. The vines start sprouting tiny green tendrils in March and April, and the baby grapes begin to form in miniature, so perfect that they can be dipped in gold to form jewelry. The grapes swell and ripen in early fall, and when their sugar content is at the right level, they are harvested carefully by hand and crushed in small lots. The wine is fermented and tended until it is ready to be b A. thought creating a winery would be easy. B. wore clothing that was too big. C. strapped their belongings together and moved. D. prepared for the difficult work ahea [填空题]EI32-JD型计算机联锁中道岔()时道岔按钮名呈红色。
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 F.略 [不定项选择题]A.藿香正气散
A.保和丸 B.葛根苓连汤 C.参苓白术散 D.痛泻要方 E.治疗寒湿泄泻的方剂是 [单项选择]Attacks on Jose Manuel Barroso, the president of the European Commission, have intensified before the European election held between June 4th and 7th, and ahead of a European Union summit when national leaders will discuss his reappointment to a second five- year term. On the left, the Party of European Socialists (PES) calls Mr. Barroso a conservative who "puts markets before people". Should the PES emerge as the largest group in the European Parliament, it will try to block him.
But prominent federalists are also unimpressed. Guy Verhofstadt, a former Belgian prime minister, speaks for many in Brussels when he denounces Mr. Barroso for a lack of ambition for Europe. Mr. Verhofstadt invokes the memory of Jacques Delors, the pugnacious Frenchman who ran the commission from 1985 to 1995.Mr. Delors proposed many ambitious plans, he says, and got 30% of them: that 30% then became the European internal market. Mr. Verhofstadt thinks that last autumn Mr. Barroso should have proposed s A. Barroso should put forward more plans in strengthening EU’s economic power. B. Barroso should get more of his proposed plans implemented and carried into effects. C. Despite some anticipated serious obstacles, Barroso should implement the policies and they should produce some results. D. Jacques Delors is a better president than Barroso in dealing with financial issues. [单项选择]人法是罗马私法的基本内容之一。下列关于罗马私法中人法的说法不正确的是
A. 罗马私法中奴隶属于生物学上的人,不具有法律人格,被视为权利客体 B. 罗马法上的人格由自由权、市民权和家庭权三种身份权构成,上述三种身份权全部或部分丧失人格即发生变化 C. 罗马法上虽没有明确的法人概念和术语,但已有初步的法人制度 D. 罗马法上社团法人要达到最低法定人数,财团法人须拥有一定数额的财产,数额多少有严格规定 [多选题]道德的特点包括()
A.稳定性 B.规范性 C.天赋性 D.社会性 E.层次性 [单项选择]位于外踝尖上3寸,腓骨后缘的是:
A. 跗阳 B. 复溜 C. 三阴交 D. 悬钟 E. 交信 [单选题]下列哪项神经通路受损可导致帕金森病
A.黑质-纹状体多巴胺通路 B.纹状体内胆碱能通路 C.纹状体-黑质r-氨基丁酸通路 D.结节-漏斗多巴胺能通路 我来回答: 提交