Public speaking fills most people with
dread. Humiliation is the greatest fear; self-exposure and failing to appeal to
the audience come a close second. Women hate it most, since girls are
pressurized from an early age to be concerned with appearances of all
kinds. Most people have plenty of insecurities, {{B}}and this{{/B}} seems like a situation that will bring them out. If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of failing in the most public of ways. While extroverts will feel less fear before the ordeal, it does not mean they will necessarily do it better. Some very shy people manage to shine. When I met the British comedian Julian Clary, he was shy and cautious, yet his TV performances are perfect. In fact, personality is not the best predictor of who does it well. Reg A. Acting like performers spoils the message in a speech. B. Perfection of scripts is necessary in making good impressions. C. Acting naturally means less dependence on the prepared script. D. There should be a balance between actual acting and acting naturally. [单选题]Unlike municipal (domestic) law which governs the conduct of individuals and other legal persons within a country, international law regulates the relations between nation-states and with other .
A. political entities with international personality B. political entities with legal personality C. civil entities with international personality D. civil entities with legal personality [单项选择]磺酰脲类降糖药的作用机制主要是()。
A. 抑制胰岛素降解 B. 刺激胰岛β细胞释放胰岛素 C. 促进胰岛素与受体结合 D. 提高胰岛β细胞功能 E. 加速胰岛素合成 [单选题]行政复议机关( )具体办理行政复议事项。
A.负责机关内部管理工作的机构 B.负责法制工作的机构 C.负责监察工作的机构 D.负责司法工作的机构 [单项选择]计算机网络的目标是实现
A. 数据处理 B. 文献检索 C. 资源共享和信息传输 D. 信息传输 [单项选择]That trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn't bothered by his loudness ______by his lack of talent.
A. so much as B. rather than C. as D. than [判断题]不具备安全生产条件的生产经营单位经负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门批准后可从事生产经营活动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]离心泵开车操作的步骤有①开泵②灌泵③排气④出料,其正确的开车顺序为()。
A.①②③④ B.②①③④ C.③②①④ D.②③①④ [单项选择]A. You are welcome. B. He’s nice.
C. It’s perfect. D. It’s two o’clock. [单选题]()应对基准点及被测点表面的氧化层进行处理
A.测试前 B.测试后 C.检查前 D.检查后 [单项选择]
The success of Augustus owed much to the character of Roman theorizing about the state. The Romans did not produce ambitious blueprints (1) the construction of ideal states, such as (2) to the Greeks. With very few exceptions, Roman theorists ignored, or rejected (3) valueless, intellectual exercises like Plato’s Republic, in (4) the relationship of the individual to the state was (5) out painstakingly without reference to (6) states or individuals. The closest the Roman came to the Greek model was Cicero’s De Re Publiea, and even here Cicero had Rome clearly in (7) . Roman thought about the state was concrete, even when it (8) religious and moral concepts. The first ruler of Rome, Romulus, was (9) to have received authority from the gods, specifically from Jupiter, the "guarantor" of Rome. All constitutional (10) was a method of conferring and administering the (11) . Very clearly [单项选择]最早的无土栽培是加利福利亚大学的格里克教授成功栽培:()。
A. 番茄 B. 玉米 C. 美国红松 D. 红豆杉 [单项选择]54[案例题]患者,男性,8岁时曾患过扁桃体炎,20天后血沉加快、血中白细胞增高,前臂皮肤出现环形红斑;听诊心音未见明显改变,经过治疗后痊愈。该患者40岁前曾有过数次咽部感染疾病,在咽部感染治疗过程中,听诊主动脉瓣区可闻及吹风样杂音,时有心绞痛现象,45岁时,拔牙后发热持续2个月,听诊时心脏杂音有时因体位变化而变动,超声检查见心瓣膜有赘生物,间断超声图像显示赘生物大小有变化。40岁时根据当时临床检查,应考虑()
A. 感染性心内膜炎 B. 二尖瓣瓣膜病 C. 高血压性心脏病 D. 主动脉瓣瓣膜病 E. 冠心病 [填空题]IMS业务的计费周期为()。业务开通,功能费()生效,业务变更,功能费()生效。
[判断题]机动车报废的应当办理相应的登记。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]压缩机的缸套冷却不好有什么害处?
[单项选择]早晨8点多钟有两辆汽车先后离开化肥厂向幸福村开去。两辆车的速度都是每小时 60千米。8点32分的时候,第一辆汽车离开化肥厂的距离是第二辆汽车的三倍。到了8点39分的时候,第一辆汽车离开化肥厂的距离是第二辆汽车的2倍。那么,第一辆汽车是8点几分离开化肥厂的
A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13 [单选题]根据反馈信号的频率,反馈可分为(____)反馈。
A.直流和交流 B.电压和电流 C.正反馈和负反馈 D.串联和并联 [多选题] "以下关于气体检测仪的说法正确的是()
A.气体检测仪首次使用前.需由有资质的检验单位对气体检测仪进行检定校准 B.可以在危险区城对气体检测仪进行电池更换和充电 C.气体检测仪传感器要根据其使用寿命定期由有资质的单位进行检验和更换.出具检验合格报告后方可继续使用 D.如气体检测仪意外跌落或受到强烈振动导致关机.重新开机后即可继续使用" [判断题]横越线路时,应走地道或天桥。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]半自动闭塞区段通过色灯信号机没有一个黄色灯光的显示。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]明清两代每年几月在社稷坛举办祭典()
A. 二月和八月 B. 正月和八月 C. 正月和十月 D. 八月和十月 [判断题]铁运(1999)103号 《铁路电力安全工作规程》规定:有感应电压反映的停电线路应安装短路接地封线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]与旋启式上回阀比较,升降式上回阀()。
A. 密封性能好 B. 流体阻力小 C. 能装在倾斜的管线上 D. 不能制成小口径阀门 [判断题]把适用于间继长期工作制的接触器(如 CJ12 系列),用于长期工作制时,应将它的容量降低到间断长期工作制额定容量的一半以下使用。
[单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第6. 5. 6. 1条规定:低压配电网的停电工作时,工作许可人应按工作票所列的( )落实完备后与工作负责人办理工作许可手续。
A.技术措施 B.停电措施 C.安全措施 D.防控措施 [单项选择]在统计学中对具有相关关系的两个变量,若用()描述,则称一元线性回归
A. 一条曲线 B. 一条直线 C. 两条直线 D. 两条曲线 [填空题]轧件的宽展量与变形区的宽度成( )。
A.实施节能重点工程 B.实施污染物减排重点工程 C.实施循环经济重点工程 D.实施清洁生产重点工程 我来回答: 提交