{{B}}Can Loud Music Cause Hearing
Impairment (损伤) {{/B}} Have you ever gone to a concert and realized that your seats were right next to the booming speakers Are you guilty______(51) turning up the volume on your portable cassette or CD player to drown out the whining (哭哭啼啼) of your little brother Sometimes it’s difficult to avoid loud music or noises, but they can be bad news because loud noises can______(52) temporary or permanent hearing loss. Extremely loud music and noises that go on for long periods of______(53) are common causes of deafness. If a noise is so loud that you have to shout to make yourself______(54), there is a______(55) that the mechanism inside your ear can be injured. Temporary hearing loss can happen after you’ve been_____ A. luck B. point C. chance D. sense [不定项选择题]A.回盲部
A.横结肠 B.空肠 C.直肠、乙状结肠 D.降结肠 E.溃疡性结肠炎的好发部位是 [判断题] 安全附件遇有故障时,该容器应紧急停运。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]铅垂面在侧立面上的投影()
A. 反映实形 B. 为缩小的类似形 C. 积聚成线 D. 为放大的类似形 [单项选择]膳食中可促进铁吸收的因素是()
A. 抗坏血酸 B. 脂肪酸 C. 草酸 D. 植酸 E. 叶酸 [多项选择]某乡人民政府批准了本应由县土地管理局批准的李某的占地建房申请。1年后,县土地管理局认定该乡政府的越权批准行为无效,并作出了拆除李某已建房屋的处罚决定。李某不服而向法院起诉,请求法院撤销县土地管理局的处罚决定,并判令乡政府赔偿因越权批准行为所造成的损失。请回答下列问题。
如果法院最后撤销了县土地管理局的处罚决定,则其依据可能是( )。 A. 主要证据不足的 B. 适用法律、法规错误的 C. 违反法定程序的 D. 行政处罚合法但不合理 [单选题]电话闭塞法是相邻站间(段、场)通过电话联系形式确认“一站一区间”空闲,并以发出电话记录号码的方式办理闭塞的人工闭塞方法。列车占用区间的凭证为路票,发车凭证为行调口头调令。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]青田石雕以冻石最为名贵。寿山石雕。学名为叶腊石,以“田黄石”最名贵。()
A. 审清浊知部分 B. 观权衡规矩知病所主 C. 视喘息,听音声知所苦 D. 观浮沉滑涩知病所生 E. 善治者,察色按脉,先别阴阳 [填空题]We didn’t go to Shanghai. We went to Hangzhou.
We went to Hangzhou ______ Shanghai. 我来回答: 提交