The celebration of Veterans Day is held
on November 11th every year in the United States. This day is set
{{U}} (36) {{/U}} to honor and remember the {{U}} (37) {{/U}} men
and women who have {{U}} (38) {{/U}} their country, in any war and
{{U}} (39) {{/U}} peacetime. Veterans Day was first {{U}} (40)
{{/U}} Armistice Day. That day {{U}} (41) {{/U}} the end of World War
I. Thirty-five countries {{U}} (42) {{/U}} in that war. An armistice was
{{U}} (43) {{/U}} on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the
eleventh month, and this {{U}} (44) {{/U}} the war was over. Many
countries were {{U}} (45) {{/U}} to hear that the war was over and that
their soldiers would be coming home. An {{U}} (46) {{/U}} American soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery {{U}} A. home B. place C. grave D. stone [单选题]救济原则是指公民、法人或者其他组织认为行政机关实施的行政许可使其合法权益受到损害时,要求( )予以补救的制度。
A.国家 B.省级政府 C.县级政府 D.市级政府 [简答题]简述长期股权投资核算方法的选择条件。
A. A.智能终端置检修 B.B.智能终端跳、合闸压板 C.C.智能终端装置电源 D.D.智能终端操作电源 [填空题] When you have a dog it is necessary to care for it very carefully. In return, you will be loved by your dog; the most important part of dog-care is (36)_________. Not only does the dog have to be kept clean. His environment should also be clean. The bed he sleeps in can be made with anything like a rug or a dog mattress, as long as it is kept clean and put in a place where there are no drafts. (37)_________feeding is also important to your dog’’s health. Heavy aluminum (38)_________pans are best since they cannot (39)_________or break. A dog should be fed in the same place and on a regular (40)_________. During feeding time it should be (41)_________. If your dog refuses to eat, don’’t (42)_________him. Remove his food and don’’t feed him again until his next regular feeding.
Food should never be left before a dog for more than thirty minutes under any (43)_________. If he does not eat over a long period of time, your dog should be taken to a veterinarian. Another important th
[多选题]组织层次的职业生涯管理方法包括( )。
A.公布空缺职位信息 B.建立职业生涯信息中心 C.成立潜能评价中心 D.工作轮换 E.实行利润分享 [多项选择]患者男性,38岁。腹部疼痛4小时入院,患者于4小时前因大量饮酒后突发腹部疼痛,为剑突下持续性疼痛,休息后无缓解,疼痛不随体位而减轻,并伴有呕吐、腹胀,无呕血、黑便,无发热、咳嗽、气促、心悸等不适,患者既往有胃、十二指肠溃疡病史,无外伤史、肝炎病史。应予以哪些检查()
A. 腹部B超 B. 血常规 C. 凝血功能 D. 胸片 E. 肾功能 F. 大便常规+隐血试验 G. 腹腔穿刺 [填空题]农村特困群众救助原则是()。
A.2 B.2.5 C.3 D.3.5 [多选题]’年9月30日起实施的车辆分公司《现场作业安全检查管理规定》中指出,班组日常检查时填写的检查表中包含()等及记录项。
A.作业前检查 B.作业中检查 C.作业后检查 D.危险源检查 E.委外管理 [单选题]()营门哨位应当设置防冲撞护栏、对讲机、报警器、催泪喷射器等设备,配备防暴头盔、警棍、盾牌、强光手电、防穿刺手套等警卫器械,放置在便于取用的位置。
A.防盗设施 B.防暴力袭击设施 C.防火设施 D.防毒设施 [单项选择]下列关于立案的表述,错误的是()。
A. 立案必须同时具备有犯罪事实发生、需要追究刑事责任、属于自己管辖三个条件 B. 公安机关受理案件后,符合立案条件的,应当制作《刑事案件立案报告表》,经县级以上公安机关负责人批准后,填写《立案决定书》 C. 公安机关受理案件后,认为没有犯罪事实,或者犯罪事实显著轻微,不需要追究刑事责任,不予立案 D. 公安机关对不予立案的,应当制作《不予立案通知书》 [单选题]结构化审查要点以()采购模式为基本单位,以历史采购数据为依据,针对不同类别、不同级别的物料,提炼标准化、结构化审查要点。
A.物料描述 B.物料编码 C.物料主数据 D.物资类别 [判断题]施工作业开始时间为06:00至次日00:00的施工,施工作业按照当日申报、发布及统计
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全事故体系由人身、电网、设备和信息系统四类事故组成,分为一至八级事件,其中一至四级事件对应国家相关法规定义的特别重大事故、重大事故、较大事故和一般事故。
A.A.8 B.B.6 C.C.7 D.D.9 我来回答: 提交