Children live in a world in which
science has tremendous importance. During their lifetimes it will affect them
more and more. In time, many of them will work at jobs that depend heavily on
science--for example, concerning energy sources, pollution control, highway
safety, wilderness conservation, and population growth. As taxpayers they will
pay for scientific research and exploration. And, as consumers, they will be
bombarded (受到轰击) by advertising, much of which is said to be based on
science. Therefore, it is important that children, the citizens of the future, become functionally acquainted with science--with the process and spirit of science, as well as with its facts and principles. Fortunately, science has a natural appeal for youngsters. They can relate it to so many things that they encounter--flashlights, tools, echoes A. prove that science is a successful course in school B. point out that science as a course is now poorly taught in school C. suggest that science should be included in the school curriculum D. predict that children who learn science will be good scientists [单项选择]中医认为引起肛窦炎的病因,下列哪一项是正确的()
A. 余毒未尽,蕴结不散 B. 虫积骚扰,湿热内生 C. 经络阻滞,淤血浊气凝聚 D. 饮食不洁,久泻久痢 E. 以上均不对 [单选题]《电气化安全规则》规定:为保证人身安全,( )在支柱上搭挂衣物、攀登支柱或在支柱旁休息。
A.禁止 B.可以 C.有时可以 [单选题]煤矿瓦斯超限作业的,属于重大安全生产隐患。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]检查消防水泵接合器,应保证( ) 。
A. 接口完好. B. 无渗漏. C. 闷盖齐全. D. 阀门常开 E. 标志完好. [单项选择]对联在()时候得到了普及。
A. 五代 B. 元代 C. 明代 D. 清代 [单项选择]针对一些银行控股股东(社员)不正当干预银行经营管理的情况,要求控股股东(社员)对商业银行和其他股东(社员)承担()义务,以加强对控股股东(社员)的制约。
A. 诚信 B. 承诺 C. 支持 D. 约束 [单选题]接测试引线前,应( )测试主回路电源,对被测线路验电、接地,接测试引线完成后再拆除接地。
A.保留 B.切断 D.以上均不是 [简答题]
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