There is virtually no limit to how one can serve community interests, from spending a few hours a week with some charitable organization to practically full-time work for a social agency. Just as there are opportunities for voluntary service (31) (VSO) for young people before they take up full-time employment, (32) there are opportunities for overseas service for (33) technicians in developing countries. Some people, (34) those who retire early, (35) their technical and business skills in countries (36) there is a special need.
So in considering voluntary or (37) community service there are more opportunities than there (38) were when one first began work. Most voluntary organizations have only a small full-time (39) , and depend very much on volunteers and part-timers. This means that working relationships are different from those in commercial organizations, and values may be different. (40) some ways
A. course
B. cause
C. case
D. caution
It can be shown in facts and figures
that cycling is the cheapest, most convenient, and most environmentally
desirable form of transport in towns, but such cold calculations do not mean
much on a frosty winter morning. The real appeal of cycling is that it is so
enjoyable. It has none of the difficulties and tensions of other ways of
traveling so you are more cheerful after a ride, even through the rush
hour. The first thing a non-cyclist says to you is’ "But isn’t it terribly dangerous " It would be foolish to deny the danger of sharing the road with motor vehicles and it must be admitted that there is an alarming number of accidents involving cyclists. However, although police records indicate that the car driver is often to blame, the answer lies with the cyclist. It is possible to ride in such a way as to reduce risks A. buy a cheap model to begin with. B. get a bicycle which suits their current needs. C. buy as big a bicycle as they can afford. D. spend as much money on a bicycle as they can. [填空题]基尔霍夫第二定律的内容是:对电路中任一闭合回路,沿回路绕行一周各电动势的代数和等于()的代数和。
[多选题]水泵电动机无法启动的原因有( )
A.A.电动机发生故障 B.B.不满足控制系统启动逻辑条件 C.C.异物进入到转动部位,滑动部位被咬住 D.D.电源发生故障 [判断题]申请人有曾受到刑事处罚情形的,护照签发机关不予签发护照。
[单选题]一般工业废水经 ( )后就可达到排放标准。
A.一级处理 B.二级处理 C.三级处理 D.四级处理 [单选题]座地摇臂抱杆分解组塔,吊装构件前,抱杆顶部应向( )适度预倾斜。
A.A-受力侧 B.B-受力反侧 C.C-吊件侧 D.D-拉线侧 [单选题]钢丝绳( )长度内接头不得超过三个。
A.1m B.2m C.3m D.4m [判断题]尚未接种疫苗的职工,暂不得从事接触旅客的相关工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为区别风险等级,三级作业风险应以()标注。
A.蓝色 B.黄色 C.橙色 D.红色 [单项选择]肾衰时须减量或延长给药间隔的药物是
A. 地西泮 B. 氯霉素 C. 红霉素 D. 头孢唑啉 E. 肝素 [多项选择]全国人大常委会的职权之一是监督国家机关的工作。根据宪法和法律,下列有关全国人大常委会行使监督权的表述中哪些是正确的( )
A. 全国人大常委会组成人员10人以上联名有权提出对国务院的质询案 B. 全国人大常委会组成人员10人以上联名无权提出对中央军事委员会的质询案 C. 全国人大常委会组成人员10人以上联名无权提出对最高人民法院的质询案 D. 全国人大常委会组成人员10人以上联名无权提出对国家主席的质询案 [多选题]关于人道主义与市场经济的关系,正确的是( )。
A. 两者是无法统一的 B. 市场经济中包含着人道主义原则 C. 两者并非完全对立 D. 实行社会主义人道主义有助于建立良好市场秩序 [单选题]关于尿胆原和尿胆素的叙述,错误的是( )。
A.结合胆红素经胆管排入肠道后,被肠道细菌氧化为尿胆原 B.大部分尿胆原经过肠肝循环后再次排人肠腔 C.小部分尿胆原经过肠肝循环后随尿排出 D.湿化学法尿胆原检测采用Schleisinger法 E.检测尿胆原和尿胆素应排除胆红素的干扰 [不定项选择题]孙某通过房地产经纪机构向业主沈某承租一幢酒楼,该酒楼共3层,为钢筋混凝土现浇框架结构,一层为大堂、厨房和办公室,二、三层为餐饮包间,室内为中国古典传统风格高档装修。房地产经纪机构撮合孙某和沈某达成租赁意向,并于2012年10月8日专门举行了租赁合同签字仪式。该租赁合同约定,承租人应当投保火灾保险,保险费用由出租人承担。
若承租人拟通过二层建筑平面图了解该酒楼的内部状况,该平面图能够反映的主要内容为( )。
A.餐饮包间平面形状与大小 B.门窗的类型、数量、位置 C.墙柱位置尺寸 D.主要部分的标高及高度关系 [单选题]患者,女性,58 岁。诊断为急性心肌梗死,经治疗后疼痛缓解。现突然出现烦躁不安、大汗,皮肤湿冷,测血压 80/50mmHg,心率 115 次/分,尿量 20ml/h。应考虑患者出现了 ( )
A.急性心力衰竭 B.心源性休克 C.心肌梗死 D.心律失常 E.心脏破裂 [单选题]下列不属于专业分委会的是( )。
A.承包商分委会 B.行为安全分委会 C.叉车分委会 D.技术部门分委会 [判断题] 应用于2015年版第五套人民币100元纸币正面主景采用凸版印刷,用手触摸,具有明显的凹凸感。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 移动式电气设备的电源线应采用( )类型软电缆
A. 塑胶绝缘 B.带有屏蔽层 C.橡皮绝缘 我来回答: 提交