Supersize Surprise
Ask anyone why there is an obesity epidemic and they will tell you that it’s all down to eating too much and burning too few calories. That explanation appeals to common sense and has dominated efforts to get to the root of the obesity epidemic and reverse it. Yet obesity researchers are increasingly dissatisfied with it. Many now believe that something else must have changed in our environment to precipitate (促成) such dramatic rises in obesity over the past 40 years or so. Nobody is saying that the "big two"--reduced physical activity and increased availability of food--are not important contributors to the epidemic, but they cannot explain it all.
Earlier this year a review paper by 20 obesity experts set out the 7 most plausible alternative explanations for the epidemic. Here they are.
1. Not enough sleep
It is widely believed that sleep is for the brain, not the body. Could a
2005年我国产品质量监督检查情况 | |||
产品项目 | 监督检查企业数(个) | 有不合格产品企业所占比例(%) | 批次合格率(%) |
农用产品 | 15795 | 19.16 [单项选择]患者,女,54岁。近来时常齿衄,血色淡红,齿摇不坚,舌红少替,脉细数,其治法是
A. 益气摄血 B. 滋阴润肺 C. 清肝泻火 D. 清胃泻火 E. 滋阴降火 [单选题]在干部调整、人员补退、极端天候(超气象条件)、卫生防疫等重点时段,应当重点监管人员( )、在位履职尽责、安全制度运行、安全设施状态、应急预案落实等情况。[1分]
A.思想动态 B.手机管理 C.日常活动 D.涉外活动 [单选题]变电站馈出至中压开关站的干线电缆截面不宜小于( ) ,馈出的双环、双射、单环网干线电缆 截面不宜小于铜芯 240 mm²。
A.铜芯240mm²; B.铜芯300mm²; C.铝芯240mm²; D.铝芯300mm²。 [简答题]简述教育心理学在教学中的作用。
[单选题]转K6型转向架侧架滑槽内应安装( )。
A.立柱磨耗板 B.八字面磨耗板 C.滑槽磨耗板 D.旁承磨耗板 [单选题]发明专利权的期限,自()起计算。
A.申请日 B.商标局收到申请书 C.公告发布 D.核准注册 [单项选择]The word "problem" in the fourth paragraph refers to the fact that ______.
A. CT scans are one of the biggest bandwidth consumers B. there are not enough mobile phones for distributing medical intelligence C. communications satellites can only cope with the short-term needs during disasters D. bandwidth is not adequate to transmit complex medical images around the world [填空题]泥饼的作用是( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列项目中,应记入管理费用的有( )。
A. 职工的市内交通费 B. 业务招待费 C. 行政管理人员工资 D. 销售部门办公费 [多项选择]下列有关肾蕨栽培管理正确的说法有()。
A. 盆栽肾蕨应每年翻盆换土,因为其根系强大 B. 肾蕨耐湿、可以生长在水中 C. 肾蕨要求高湿,但不积水 D. 遮荫是栽培肾蕨的关键 E. 肾蕨宜选用酸性土栽培 F. 肾蕨,喜肥,需经常施肥,冬季也不例外 我来回答: 提交