Questions 56-60 are based on the following
passage. It’s an age-old dispute: Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Males and females show different behaviors almost from birth. Researchers say these behaviors are due to basic differences in brain structure and activity. Studies show men are better at hitting targets and solving math problems while women are better at memorizing words and recognizing faces. Why the differences A test of the brain’s electrical activity shows that women commonly use both sides of their brain while men rely more on one. Scientists already know that the two sides of the brain control different functions--one controlling the sense of space, for example, the other controlling language. Some researchers believe that the different ways men and women use their brains evolved from ancient times, when cav A. men are all too dominating B. women always nag about everything C. men are better at finding their cars in the parking lot D. men and women rely on different abilities to do the same thing [单选题]《放射性同位素与射线装置安全和防护管理办法》适用的相关活动,包括生产、销售、使用放射性同位素与射线装置的( )的安全和防护。
A.场所 B.物品 C.人员 D.场所、人员 [简答题]在光度分析中酸度对显色反应主要有哪些影响?
A. 以磁北方向为0度,顺时针方向旋转 B. 以磁北方向为0度,逆时针方向旋转 C. 以磁南方向为0度,顺时针方向旋转 D. 以磁南方向为0度,逆时针方向旋转 [简答题]接地体本身也有电阻,流散电阻与接地体电阻之和就是( )电阻。
A.高温 B.蒸汽 C.热水 D.热物体 E.撞击 [单项选择]测定生活污水中的生化需氧量,通常用()。
A. 碘量法 B. 高锰酸钾法 C. 重铬酸钾法 D. 摩尔法 [单项选择]
A. with B. on C. to D. for [判断题]钢的回火温度越高,回火后的强度与硬度越低。
A.1.5mg/kg,口服4周,必要时延长至8周 B.1mg/kg,口服8周,必要时延长至12周 C.1mg/kg,口服4周,必要时延长至8周 D.1.5mg/kg,口服8周,必要时延长至12周 E.1mg/kg,口服4周,必要时延长至12周 [判断题]三相变压器的额定容量为额定电压与额定电流乘积的3倍。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下面是有关DRAM和SRAM存储器芯片的叙述 Ⅰ.DRAM 存储单元的结构比SRAM简单 Ⅱ.DRAM比SRAM成本高 Ⅲ.DRAM比SRAM速度快 Ⅳ.DRAM要刷新,SRAM不需刷新 其中正确的是
A. Ⅰ和Ⅱ B. Ⅱ和Ⅲ C. Ⅲ和Ⅳ D. Ⅰ和Ⅳ [单项选择]根据(G.V.BlACk分类法),下颌磨牙颊侧面颈1/3处的龋损所备的窝洞属于()。
A. Ⅰ类洞 B. Ⅱ类洞 C. Ⅲ类洞 D. Ⅳ类洞 E. Ⅴ类洞 [判断题]水准面上任一点的铅垂线都与水准面平行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]架空线路或钢轨因受雷击对地产生的过电压称为 。
[单选题]贯彻落实总体国家安全观,加快国家安全法治建设,构建国家安全法律制度体系是在( )上首次提出的。
A.党的十八届三中全会 B.党的十八届四中全会 C.党的十八届五中全会 D.党的十九大 [单项选择]关于呼吸次数为65次/分钟的新生儿,下列哪项处理是正确的()
A. 建议转诊 B. 口服抗生素 C. 在家观察 D. 给予指导 [判断题] 判断题()起重机司机应严格执行起重机械操作规程和有关安全制造制度。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交