INVESTMENT IN ASIA{{/B}} Japan has been the most powerful country in Asia, but it had little trade with the region until now. Now, Japan is doing more trade with Asia than with the rest of the world. In 1985, the US was Japan’s main customer; Japan exported a third more to the US than to Asia. Now, Asia buys 30%more than the US and three times as much as Europe. Japanese imports from Asia increased by 150% between 1985 and 1995. Japan’s imports amount to $ 60 billion from Asia in 1993, compared to $ 50 billion from the US and $ 24 billion from Europe. In 1 [单项选择]列车低于()的运行速度时进行缓解,叫做低速缓解。
A. 10公里/小时 B. 15公里/小时 C. 5公里/小时 [单选题]表示阀门公称压力的符号是( )。
A.DN B.PN C.Pa [多项选择]商业银行的战略风险主要体现在( )。
A. 战略目标缺乏整体兼容性 B. 经营目标不能按时实现 C. 为实现战略目标而制定的经营战略存在缺陷 D. 为实现目标所需要的资源匮乏 E. 整个战略实施过程的质量难以保证 [单选题]正常肠鸣音大约 次/min,超过 次/min称肠鸣音活跃( )
A.4-5; 10 B.3-5; 20 C.3-5; 10 D.3-5; 8 [多选题]机动车装运超长、超高或重大物件时应遵守的规定有( )。
A.A.物件中轴线与车厢中轴线应垂直 B.B.易滚动的物件顺其滚动方向应掩牢并捆绑牢固 C.C.用超长架装载超长物件时,在其尾部应设警告标志 D.D.押运人员应加强途中检查,捆绑松动应及时加固 [单项选择]Television is one of today’s most powerful and widespread means of mass communication. It directly influences our lives on both a short and long-term basis; it brings worldwide situations into our homes; it affords extensive opportunities for acquiring higher education; and it performs these tasks in a convenient yet effective manner. We are all aware of the popularly accepted applications of television, particularly those relative to entertainment and news broadcasting. Television, however, has also been a vital link in unmanned deep space exploration (such as the Voyager Ⅰ and Ⅱ missions), in providing visions from hazardous areas (such as proximity to radioactive materials or environments) in underwater research, in viewing storms moving across a metropolitan area (the camera being placed in a weather-protective enclosure near the top of a tower) , etc. The earth’s weather satellites also use television cameras for viewing cloud cover and movements from 20, 000 miles in space. Infra
A. Applications of television arc beneficial to big cities. B. Applications of television are believed to be good activities. C. Applications of television are restricted to television systems. D. Applications of television do benefit to the mass entertainment fiel [单项选择]后巩膜破裂伤指征有( )
A. 视力严重下降 B. 显著的低眼压 C. 广泛的结膜下出血 D. 严重的前房积血或玻璃体积血 E. 以上都是 [单项选择]"He is living on borrowed time "means" ______ ".
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