I was wondering through the street when
I caught sight of a strange store; there wasn’t anything but empty shelves at
one end of the room in front of which a man was standing on a (21)
platform(平台) and shouting loudly that the greatest sale of the year
was (22) to begin. I decided to stay and see (23)
would happen. A salesman began to pile (24) of
things on the shelves such as table-lamps, clocks, combs and a large quantity of
small packets (25) in bright paper. When the man at the table
was (26) that a large crowd of peo pie had gathered, he began
handing out the packets, asking for the sum(金额) of three pence (27)
, and declaring the (28) of the contents was fifty
times as much. I paid three pence for my packet and was (29) told I sho A. like B. as much as C. worth D. the same as [单选题] 邻近营业线施工分为( )类。
A.二 B.五 C.三 D.四 [单选题]列车机车与第一辆车的连挂,由( )负责。
A.调车作业人员 B. 机车乘务员 C.车站值班员 [简答题]写出与对局对开七号信令时需协商一致的内容?
[单项选择]银行在结算制度之外规定附加条件的,影响汇路畅通的,要限期纠正,并对其处以( )的罚款。
A. 5000—10000元 B. 10000—30000元 C. 10000—50000元 D. 5000—30000元 [判断题]某公司对某市工商行政管理局的处罚决定不服,提起行政诉讼。但在诉讼过程中,某市工商行政管理局改变了原来的处罚决定,人民法院应该劝告某公司申请撤诉。
[填空题]Modern life is stressful. The noise and the fast pace of the city take their {{U}} (36) {{/U}} on the spirit. Everybody knows this, but the sad {{U}} (37) {{/U}} is how poorly many people deal with it. They attempt to escape from noise into more noise and the empty moments are filled with the {{U}} (38) {{/U}} noises of electronic entertainment. Many city {{U}} (39) {{/U}} escape on weekends to country cottage, but they take the city with them, and spend their afternoons out on the lake listening to the {{U}} (40) {{/U}} of an outboard motor.
The seventeenth century French {{U}} (41) {{/U}} Pascal said "All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone." Sitting quietly and doing nothing is the {{U}} (42) {{/U}} of the oldest medical practice in the world, Buddhist meditation (冥想). People need the healing force of quiet and {{U}} (43) {{/U}}. We all need to take a breath, and slow down. It may be {{U}} (44) {{/U}}.
Whenever I visit New York,
[判断题]报检人有特殊要求使用其他语种签发检验检疫证书的,应由申请人提出申请,经审批后予以签发。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列对于控制风险水平与实质性审查关系的表述正确的是:
A.控制风险为低水平时应相应增加实质性审查的数量和范围 B.如果认为内部控制完全不能发现错误就应将控制风险定为低水平 C.控制风险为高水平时应适当减少财务报表项目检查的数量和范围 D.控制风险为高水平时应实施较为详细的实质性审查 [单选题]我行代销实物贵金属业务的服务时间为( )(如遇国家法定节假日,以总行通知为准),服务时间可与合作贵金属企业协商后作适当调整。
A.08:00-17:00 B.08:30-16:30 C.08:30-17:00 D.09:00-17:00 [单选题]国家规定的异地携带卷烟的限量为( )。
A.50条 B.10条 C.100条 D.2条 [单选题]变更工作负责人或增加工作任务,若工作票签发人和工作负责人无法当面办理,应通过电话联系,并在工作票登记簿和工作票上注明。
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 F.略 [单选题]1农村合作金融机构的以长期投资为目的的债券投资在风险分类时应采取. 分类。
A.风险分类法 B.账面价值法 C.可变现净值法 D.成本与市价孰低法 [单选题]显示器的技术指标不包括().
A.A:点距 B.B:最高分辨率 C.C:显存大小 D.D:带宽 [单选题] 电动机的过负荷保护简化时可以采用( )的过负荷保护。
A. 长延时特性 B.短延时特性 C.定时限特性 [单项选择]因出版历史上第一部美学专著,宣告美学学科诞生而被后人尊崇为“美学之父”的是()。
A. 黑格尔 B. 鲍姆嘉登 C. 克罗齐 D. 维柯 [单选题]在数据库安全性控制中,授权的数据对象( ),授权子系统就越灵活?
A.粒度越小 B.约束越细致 C.范围越大 D.约束范围大 [多选题]哪种情况下PETCO2明显低于PaCO2
A.高频通气 B.低心排血量 C.过度通气 D.心跳骤停 E.休克 [判断题]当水体受到有机物污染时,由于氧化物染质需要消耗氧,使水中所含的溶解氧逐渐减少,所以溶解氧是衡量水体污染程度的一个重要指标。
[单选题] 本地多路分配业务接入(LMD.S)是一种微波的宽带业务,其工作频段是()。
A. 2GHz附近 B. 28GHz附近 C. 900MHz附近 D. 40GHz附近 [单选题]A.灰婴综合征
A.过敏性休克 B.耳毒性 C.肾结晶 D.二重感染 E.青霉素可引起 [单选题]管壳式换热器属于()
A.直接混合式换热器 B.蓄热式换热器 C.间壁式换热器 D.以上都不是 [单选题]对输卵管的描述错误的是 ( )
A.位于子宫阔韧带上缘 B.输卵管腹腔口开口于腹膜腔 C.输卵管峡短直而狭窄,壁厚、血管少 D.壶腹部粗且弯曲,血管丰富 E.子宫部是受精部位 [单项选择]
In China, it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the west this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true (1) women, and even more (2) if the inquirer(问候者) is a man. [判断题]橡塑电缆外护套、内衬套的绝缘电阻不低于 1MΩ/km。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]企业财务管理区别于其它管理的基本特征是( )。
A. 价值管理 B. 物资管理 C. 使用管理 D. 劳动管理 [填空题]杂质可分为:不明显杂质、明显杂质和()。
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