When Oxford University raised the idea
of establishing a business school six years ago, outraged Ionians unleashed
(发起,释放) volleys of Ciceronian oratory, arguing that the groves of academe should
be out of bounds to commerce. How times have changed. Frustrated by the British
government’s reluctance to let the university charge red-world tuition fees,
demoralized by mounting charges of elitism, with research and teaching stifled
by inadequate state subsidies, the dons are realizing that capitalism might just
be the key to their future. At the traditional 800-year-old institution,
increasing numbers of them are calling for their university to be
privatized. That’s a hugely controversial proposal in a country that still clings fiercely to the ideal of providing a free, state-funded education to anyone who merits it. Pri A. has taken on a new urgency B. holds a strong discrimination against the disabled C. is in favor of a network of older applicants D. puts too much emphasis on elitism [填空题]( )为已经感染病毒的标志,并不反映病毒有无复制、复制程度、传染性强弱。
A. ≥190 B. ≤150 C. ≥235 D. ≤80 [单选题]架落车作业前,应对架车机具、负重量及地基状况,( )。
A.查看资料,进行学习 B.进行技术检查 C.进行试验以确保安全 D.掌握和了解 [判断题]在停电检修作业中,开断或接入绝缘导线前,应做好防感应电的安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]以下程序的执行结果是 【11】 。
#include<iostream.h> int f(int b[],int n) int i,r=1; for(i=0;i<n;i++) r=r*b[i]; return r; void main( ) int x,a[]=2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; x=f(a,3); cout<<x<<endl; [单项选择]在会计核算中,对企业可能发生的损失和费用预先估计入账,这是会计核算一般( )
A. 客观性原则 B. 及时性原则 C. 谨慎性原则 D. 可比性原则 [单选题]设计最高速度300km/h有砟轨道曲线地段路基面加宽值,当曲线半径14000m > R ≥ 9000m时,路基外侧加宽值为()m。
A.0.2 B.0.3 C.0.4 D.0.5 E.0.6 [多选题]进食肉包子后,参与其消化的酶主要包括:
A.唾液淀粉酶 B.胃蛋白酶 C.胰脂肪酶 D.胰蛋白酶 [多选题]D115 大修中, 工作人员在桥架处将接头 D1RIC021MT、D1RIC040MT 接反,影响操作员对堆芯温度的 正确监视。正确的接线方式应该是: ( )
A.必须采用拆接线记录表,验证每根电缆标记与电缆桥上对应插座标记一致 B.监护人应该关注要点, C.操作人按照接线记录表接线,全部接线完成后请监护人复核,监护人核对正确后签字 D.监护人的主要职责是保护操作人安全和防异物,而不是核对标牌和线号 [单选题]4月,坐着一列封闭的列车,转道芬兰回到彼得格勒时,他这样写道:“这趟风驰电掣的封闭列车犹如一发炮弹,乘坐在里面的人物犹如威力强大的弹药,这一炮摧毁了一个帝国,一个旧世界。”茨威格这句话的意思是说( )。
A.列宁领导的革命推翻了沙皇专制制度 B.列宁领导的革命极大地震撼了资本主义世界统治秩序 C.列宁当选苏维埃政府人民委员会主席对资产阶级是沉重的打击 D.以列宁为代表的苏维埃政府宣布退出一战.协约国集团分崩离析 [简答题]梁启超的教育思想。
[单选题]带撞击器的电压互感器高压熔断器更换时,应注意其( )正确。
A.安装 B.方向 C.安装方向 D.指向 [多选题]确立劳动、资本、技术和管理等生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则( )。
A.是社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度的客观要求 B.是社会主义市场经济的发展要求 C.直接影响着资源配置的效率 D.从收入分配上体现了把个人既作为劳动者又作为生产要素所有者看待 [多选题]可用于抵押的土地承包经营权包括( )。
A.耕地 B.设施农业用地 C.养殖用地 D.村级小学操场 [单选题]《公安机关人民警察盘查规范》规定,盘查可疑人员时,民警应当 与被盘查人保持适当距离,尽量让其()。
A.双臂高举过头 B.蹲下双手抱头 C.背对开阔场地 D.面对开阔场地 [判断题]在“四个全面”中,全面依法治国具有基础性、保障性作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]How Did She Conquer the Americans?
African-American talk show queen Oprah Winfrey is the world’s most powerful celebrity, according to Forbes magazine.______(46)
Winfrey, 51, draws 30 million viewers weekly in the United States. Her talk show reaches 112 countries. She earned US$225 million over the past 12 months to rank second in celebrity riches.
The annual Forbes list gives most weight to annual earnings.______(47)
“After 21 years, her exciting chat show still rules the airwaves. It created new celebrities and hundreds of millions of dollars in profits,” the magazine said.
Winfrey is most popular with her popular talk show “The Oprah Winfrey Show”。 She can always attract the superstars and let them open up to her intimate interviewing style.
Last month, American actor Tom Cruise, 42, surprised fans when he celebrated his new romance with 26-year-old actress Katie Holmes. He jumped up and down, shouting “I’m in love.” Only a few years ago, Cruise and his ex-wife Ni
A. 保险利益 B. 保险合同 C. 保险关系 D. 保险标的 我来回答: 提交