Although the American civilization took
over and replaced the frontier over a century ago, the heritage of the frontier
is still evident in the United States today. Many people are still fascinated by
the frontier because it has been particularly important in shaping American
values. For many years, the frontier experience was romanticized in popular
movies and television shows that featured cowboy heroes fighting Indian
villains. Little attention was given to the tragic story of what really happened
to Native Americans. Today, most Americans are more aware of the darker side of
the settling of the continent, when thousands of Native American Indians were
killed, their lands were taken, and much of their culture was
destroyed. The American frontier consists of the relatively unsettled regions of the United States, usually found A. The settling of the frontier did little to affect the lives of the Native American Indians. B. Native American Indians were featured as heroes in many popular movies and TV shows. C. The culture of Native American Indians was protected as the settlers moved farther to settle one frontier area after another. D. In the history more attention was paid to the heroic settling of the West than to the miseries it caused to Native American Indians. [单项选择]CPU是可编程调节器的核心,它是由()等组成。
A. 运算器、控制器和内部寄存器 B. 存贮器RAM、ROM和EPROM C. A/D、D/A转换及I/O接口电路 D. 系统程序和应用程序 [单项选择]钢材的重要工艺性能是()
A. 耐疲劳性 B. 冷弯性能 C. 冲击韧性 D. 硬度 [单选题]火灾发生在采区或采煤工作面进风巷,为抢救人员,有条件时可进行( );为控制'火势减少风量时,应防止灾区缺氧和瓦斯积聚。
A.矿井反风 B.区域反风 C.风流短路 D.锁风 [判断题]模拟信号是从ATO到车辆用于控制列车加速或减速的电流。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 煤气中毒者未恢复知觉前,应避免搬动.颠簸,尽量在现场进行抢救,不得用急救车送往较远医院急救。就近送往医院进行抢救时,途中应采取有效的急救措施,并应有医务人员护送。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]低压触电时,因触电者的身体是带电的,其鞋的绝缘也可能遭到破坏,救护人不得接触触电者的皮肤,也不能抓他的鞋。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]设备消缺工作流程图中用户确认后的步骤是视工作内容出具报告。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]最早将“法律”二字连用的是()。
A. 道家 B. 墨家 C. 儒家 D. 法家 [单选题]ZPW-2000A无绝缘轨道电路,当长度超过( )时,主轨道需要加装补偿电容进行补偿。323010103
A.200m B.300m C.400m D.500m [判断题]严格遵守封闭式管理,严格执行凭有效证件出入制度
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]舌体比正常舌大而厚,伸舌满口,称为()
A. 胖大舌 B. 瘦薄舌 C. 肿胀舌 D. 苍老舌 E. 娇嫩舌 [单选题]车辆通行ETC车道,已扣款成功但未起杆,应( )
A.A.转人工车道放行 B.B.抬杆放行 C.C.转人工车道交费,扣款申请退回 D.D.让司机多次倒车尝试 [单选题] “抢钩”就是按( )规定应停止调车作业,准备接发车进路的时间内,不及时停止调车作业,而抢着干一钩或几钩话
A.《行规》 B. 《技规》 C. 《站细》 D. 《调规》 [单选题]用于治疗非霍奇金淋巴瘤的COP方案是指下列哪一组合
A.环磷酰胺、长春新碱、泼尼松 B.卡铂、长春新碱、泼尼松 C.甲氨蝶呤、甲基苄肼、泼尼松 D.环磷酰胺、甲基苄肼、泼尼松 E.阿霉素、博来霉素、泼尼松 [单项选择]若在fopen函数中使用文件的方式是"wb +",该方式的含义是( )
A. 为读/写打开一个文本文件 B. 为输出打开一个文本文件 C. 为读/写建立一个新的文本文件 D. 为读/写建立一个新的二进制文件 我来回答: 提交