The Fifth National Census Office under
the State Council has called on everyone for a factual report in the upcoming
census due to be taken on November 1st. "Any action which may put down the accuracy of the census is forbidden and will receive severe punishment. "Lin Changsong, deputy director of the office, said at a press conference in Beijing on Wednesday. Almost all the preparations for the census have been finished, 6 million census workers have been selected and trained and initial residence registration has been accomplished. The census will start at midnight on November 1st. During the first 10 days of November, census takers will work from door to door. In order to get accurate (精确的) data on the population, the central government has permitted households w A. The government. B. Special census workers. C. Citizens and peasants. D. Statistician. [单项选择]世界范围内第一部全面确立电子商务运行的法律文件是()
A. 联合国《电子签名示范法》 B. 美国《数字签名法》 C. 美国《统一计算机信息交易法》 D. 马来西亚《电子签名法》 [简答题]谈谈对逍遥游寓理于形象中的理解
[单选题]施工地段放行列车时,列车限速vmax≤45 km/h时,线路状态应符合下列要求:冻害垫板平台两端的顺坡率不小于()倍。
A.600 B.300 C.200 D.100 [单选题]运营线上的钢梁,当安检设备或其他设施需与主梁联结时,禁止使用( )联结
A.冲钉 B.电焊 C.高强度螺栓 D.精致螺栓 [单项选择]治疗支原体肺炎的首选抗生素是()
A. 大环内酯类 B. β-内酰胺类 C. 氨基糖苷类 D. 喹诺酮类 E. 磺胺类 [单选题]不需要佩带安全带的作业是( )。
A.高处作业 B.悬挂作业 C.基坑挖掘作业 D.洞口临边作业 [单项选择]具有抑制体内钠泵作用的药物是()
A. 黄芩 B. 黄连 C. 金银花 D. 石膏 E. 知母 [单选题]内悬浮外拉线抱杆组塔拉线与地面的水平夹角应控制在( )°以内,距基础中心的距离应不小于( )倍塔全高。
A.45,1.5 B.60,1.5 C.45,1.2 D.60,1.2 我来回答: 提交