When you are small, all ambitions fall
into one grand category: when I’m grown up. When I’m grown up, you say, I’ll go
up in space. I’m going to be an author. I’ll kill them all and then they’ll be
sorry. I’ll be married in a cathedral with sixteen bridesmaids in pink lace.
I’ll have a puppy of my own and no one will be able to take him away. None of it
ever happens, of course---or darn little, but the fantasies give you the idea
that there is something to grow up for. Indeed, one of the saddest things about
gilded adolescence is the feeling that from eighteen on, it’s all downhill; I
read with horror of an American hippie wedding where someone said to the groom
(aged twenty) "you seem so kind a grown up somehow", and the lad had to go round
seeking assurance that he wasn’t. No, really he wasn’t. A determinati A. Their behavior is improving. B. They are approaching a difficult age. C. They don’t spend enough time at home. D. They are choosing strange friends. [多项选择]下面有关土地定级单元的叙述中正确的是( )。
A. 定级单元是评定和划分土地级的基本空间单位 B. 划定的土地定级单元是一均质地域 C. 土地定级单元是一个能完整反映自身特性的最基本地块 D. 定级单元应尽量的小,以区分不同的土地差异性 [单选题] 列车制动机为一次缓解型,JZ-7型空气制动机客货车转换阀手柄置于客车位时,当制动管有漏泄,或自阀置于常用制动区后误将手把在制动区向左移动时,会使列车制动机发生( )。
A.自然制动 B.自然缓解 C.无法缓解 [单选题]中共八大提出的今后我国经济建设的指导方针是( )。
A.既反保守,又反冒进,坚持在综合平衡中稳步前进 B.大干快上,超英赶美 C.鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义 D.“调整、巩固、充实、提高” [判断题]压缩文件的方法不止有一种。()
A. 米开朗基罗 B. 提香 C. 埃尔格列柯 D. 莫奈 [单选题]列车操纵示意图应根据担当区段的使用机型、( ) 以及线路纵断面情况, 按安全、合理的操纵方法绘制。
A.车辆类型 B.牵引重量 C.牵引定数 [单项选择]颅内压增高的典型表现是()。
A. 头痛、呕吐、视神经乳头水肿 B. 头痛、呕吐、癫痫发作 C. 头痛、呕吐、感觉障碍 D. 头痛、呕吐、运动障碍 E. 头痛、呕吐、复视 [多项选择]电流互感器检修中,连接端子及引流线温升热点温度>90℃,应尽快开展()检修,处理引线、接头发热缺陷,必要时解体检修或返厂处理。
A. A类 B. B类 C. C类 D. D类 [填空题]救援列车推进运行时, ( ) 指派胜任人员在列车前端负责瞭望,在救援列车到达防护人员处或压上响墩后,指挥列车停车,按救援列车负责人的要求进行作业。
[判断题]生产经营单位的从业人员有依法获得安全生产保障的权利,并应当依法履行安全生产方面的义务。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]SF6气体分解产物检测过程中,检测仪应在检测合格报告有效期内使用,需( )进行校验。
A.每年 B.2年 C.3年 D.4年 [填空题]中国特色社会主义的主要社会矛盾:中国特色社会主义进入 ,我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为 。
[多选题]站台门开关门优先级控制由高到低依次为:( )。
A.站台门专用钥匙手动控制 B.滑动门 LCB 控制 C.车控室 IBP 盘控制 D.站台端头 PSL盘 控制 [单项选择]实现企业价值最大化的途径是()。
A. 提高报酬率,减少风险 B. 降低报酬率,减少风险 C. 提高报酬率,增大风险 D. 降低报酬率,增大风险 [单选题]在相对不应期内刺激心肌,所引发的动作电位的特点是
A.阈强度大 B.0期除极快 C.时程长 D.传导快 E.复极慢 [单选题]当前活动窗口是文档d1.docx的窗口,单击该窗口的“最小化”按钮后____。
A.不显示d1.docx文档内容,但d1.docx文档并未关闭 B.该窗口和d1.docx文档都被关闭 C.d1.docx文档未关闭,且继续显示其内容 D.关闭了d1.docx文档但该窗口并未关闭 [判断题]上市公司发行新股时,招股说明书应说明盈利预测所依据的各种假设是正确的。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1956年7月,中国第一批国产汽车--“解放”牌载重汽车在()第一汽车制造厂试制成功。(1.0分)
A.哈尔滨 B.沈阳 C.上海 D.长春 [单选题]S1:How are you feeling,James? S2:Fine at the moment.A little tired. S1:I heard about your accident yesterday. S2:Yeah, it was awful.Who told you about it? S1:0h, Chris did. He said that you entered a toxic space. S2:Yeah, I did. But did he tell you why I wasnS1: carrying any safety equipment with me? S1:No, he didn’t. He said you didn’t have your breathing apparatus. That’s all. S2:Well, the Bosun told me that the area I entered was safe. S1:So what was the problem if he told you it was safe? S2:It was the wrong area! He thought I was entering a different hatch. S1:Uh oh? bad mistake. S2:Right. I was very lucky. I can, t even remember going past the hatch. S1:Carl found you immediately after
You went in, didn’t he? S2:Yeah. He was right behind me. He was collecting the tools when I entered the toxic area. Then I immediately fell unconscious. S1:That’ s frightening because you were expecting it to be safe. S2:Yeah, well, I’ ve learned my lesson. I will always check the air before I work in enclosed spaces. I donS1:want that to happen again. 问题 1:Who entered the toxic space? A. Chris. B. James. C. Carl. D. Bosun. [不定项选择题]据《固体废物处理处置工程技术导则》 (HJ2035-2013) ,关于固体废物处理厂(场)址选择的总体要求,说法正确的有( )。
A.垃圾焚烧厂不应建在受洪水、潮水或内涝威胁的地区 B.垃圾填埋场场址的标高应位于重现期不小于 100 年一遇的洪水位之上 C.c. 垃圾填埋场可使用容积建成后使用期为 10 年以上 D.垃圾厌氧消化厂应避免建在地质不稳定及易发生拥塌、滑坡、泥石流等自然灾害的区域 [单选题]规律是 ( )
A. 事物固有的本质的必然的联系 B. 事物外部表面的偶然联系 C. 人们按需要制定的规则 D. 人们改造世界的正确方法 [单项选择]The former governor withdrew from political life and as () he was soon forgotten.
A. an end B. a result C. an outcome D. an event [单选题]下列哪种激素不属于腺垂体激素
A.促肾上腺皮质激素 B.卵泡刺激素 C.促甲状腺素 D.催乳素 E.催产素 [判断题]组合电器(GIS)封盖后,各隔室再安装吸附剂。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交