The University Bookstore is a self-supporting university-owned organization, which was founded in 1921. It provides students, faculty, staff and Campus visitors with a variety of products and services. In order to fulfill its primary mission, the bookstore stocks new and used textbooks, general books, school supplies, office products, educationally priced computer software, and art and engineering sup plies. As a convenience, the bookstore also stocks additional items like gifts, sportswear, greeting cards, candy and sundries (杂贷). Services the bookstore provides include bookbinding, special order book service, gift wrapping, photo developing, used book buy-back and postage stamps, as well as fax services.
The bookstore is located on the main floor of the Wyoming Union. Hours of operation during the academic year (学年)are:9:O0a.m. -5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday; 10:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. Saturday; 9:00 a.m. to 30 minutes prior to kickoff (开球)on Saturday with home foo
Throughout all ages man has always
carved colossal (巨大的) figures out of stone. This can be seen in the ancient
ruins of Egypt, Persia and Babylon. In modern times America has also taken up
the same challenge and has carved huge sculptures into her mountains. On the East Coast of America not far from Atlanta, Georgia stands Stone Mountain, the largest mass of exposed granite (花岗石) in the world. Carved into the side of this mountain are three tremendous equestrian figures. They are sculptures of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and "Stonewall Jackson." It is a memorial to the Confederacy. The colossal figure of Lee alone measures 138 feet from the top of his head to the tip of his horse’s hoof. To see these stone sculptures on the side of a mountain is most impressive and inspiring. It was commissioned in 1916 and was begun A. Because the sculptor--Gutzon Borglum was against it. B. Because the monument would become too controversial. C. Because there is no more good stone for quality carving. D. Because there are not enough funds for the project. [单选题]目前链形悬挂支柱装配中的安装型式中,( )一般采用地面高度为8.2m的支柱。
A.接触线悬挂高度为6450mm,结构高度1100mm的区间或车站 B.接触线悬挂高度为6000mm,结构高度1100mm的区间或站场最外侧道岔至绝缘锚段关节处全补偿链形悬挂 C.接触线悬挂高度为6000mm,结构高度1400mm的车站或区间全补偿链型悬挂 D.接触线悬挂高度为6450mm,结构高度1400mm的车站或区间半(全)补偿链型悬挂 [单选题]当受电弓转换开关S51置“自动”位时,按下受电弓扳钮后自动升起( )。
A.后端弓 B.前端弓 C.两端受电弓 [单项选择]在数据库设计中,当合并局部E-R图时,“职工”在某一局部应用中被当作实体,而在另一局部应用中被当作属性,这种冲突被称为()冲突。
A. 属性 B. 命名 C. 结构 D. 联系 [单选题]当电缆穿过零序电流互感器,金属护层接地线随电缆芯线穿过互感器时,接地线 () 。
A.不得穿回互感器后接地 B.应穿回互感器后接地 C.应接于等电位接地网 D.应与互感器二次回路 N 线接于同一接地母线 [判断题]机车在分相"断"、"合"(或"反向断")电标之间被迫停车时,严禁闭合主断。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]金融机构申请开办电子银行业务均需监管部门审批。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]同杆塔架设的多回线路或交叉档内,()线路带电时,()线
A.下层、上层 B.上层、下层 C.前端、后端 D.后端、前端 E.lue [单选题]依据《安全生产法》,事故调查处理应当按照()的原则,查清事故原因,查明事故性质和责任。
A.及时、准确、合法 B.以事实为根据、以法律为准绳 C.公开、公正、公平 D.实事求是、尊重科学 [单选题]企业要认真研究《中国石化安全风险评估指导意见》,()和合理使用推荐的风险评估办法。
A.熟悉 B.了解 C.掌握 D.理解 [单选题]作业计划实行刚性管理,禁止随意更改和增减作业计划,确属特殊情况需追加或者变更作业计划,应履行( )手续,并经分管领导批准后方可实施。
A.审核 B.签批 C.确认 D.审批 [多项选择]与客户面谈时要()。
A. 本着利益与友谊兼顾的原则 B. 建立和谐友好的气氛 C. 自然适时地切入正题 D. 设法使买卖双方互利互惠 我来回答: 提交